3-11 CODED (DETAIL) GROUP DIAL LISTCanceling the Print Out ListYou can cancel printing lists even after performing the printing procedure.12/03/2003 17:06 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001********************************************************************* ***GROUP DIAL TEL # LIST[A 21] Canon GROUP 1 [A 03] 516p488 6700 Canon U . S . A .[ 01] 905 795 1111 Canon CANADA[ 03] Canon GROUP 2 [A 00] 2131 1250 Canon DEUTSCH.[A 02] 1 49 39 25 25 Canon FRANCE[A 32] 81 773 3173 Canon UK[ 04] 2 50921 Canon I TA L I A12/03/2003 17:10 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001************************************************************* ***1-TOUCH (DETAIL)[A 00] DESTINATION TEL # 2 887 0166DESTINATION ID Canon AUSTRALIATX TYPE REGULAR TX[A 02] DESTINATION TEL # 905 795 1111DESTINATION ID Canon CANADA12/03/2003 17:09 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001************************************************************************************* ***CODED SPEED DIAL TEL # LIST 2[A 00] DESTINATION TEL # 2131 1250DESTINATION ID Canon DEUTSCH.TX TYPE REGULAR TX[A 02] DESTINATION TEL # 1 49 39 25 25DESTINATION ID Canon FRANCESORTED LIST: DESTINATIONS LISTED INALPHABETICAL ORDER.UNSORTED LIST: DESTINATIONS LISTEDIN KEY ORDER.Speed Dialing31 Press Additional Functions.2 Use 4 (–) or e (+) to select 7.PRINTLISTS.3 Press Set.4 Use 4 (–) or e (+) to select 3.CANCELREPORT.5 Press Set.6 Press 4 (–).• Printing is canceled.• If you change your mind and want to continue theprinting, press e (+).• You can also cancel the printing bypressing Function (the Function keylights up) then pressing Report.NOTECANCEL REPORT? NO>PRINT LISTS3.CANCEL REPORTPRINT LISTS1.USER DATAADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS7.PRINT LISTS