10-10Chapter 10 Practical Examples■ When you want to remove the black spots fromscanned images when scanning documentswith punch holes (when the background is setto black)When the background color is set to black on the [Others]tab sheet, select [Punch Hole Removal] on the [Imageprocessing] tab sheet. The black spots from punch holes indocuments are removed from scanned images. (Seep. 8-16.)HintWhen the background color is set to white, [Punch HoleRemoval] is disabled. When the background color is set to whiteand a document with punch holes is scanned, the edges ofholes may still appear in the images.■ When you want to match the orientation ofimages to the text when scanning a mixture ofpages with different text orientationsSelect [Text Orientation Recognition] on the [Imageprocessing] tab sheet. (See p. 8-16.)The text orientation on each page is detected, and thescanned image is rotated in 90-degree increments tocorrect the orientation.HintWhen [Text Orientation Recognition] is selected, image rotationis disabled.■ When you want to rotate the images of adocument loaded horizontally to correct theorientationSpecify the rotation angle with [Document Orientation] onthe [Image processing] tab sheet. (See p. 8-16.)HintImages are rotated as follows according to the orientation of theloaded document and the selected angle.TextOrientationOutputImageFeederDocument:Face UpDocumentOrientation(Clockwise)0 degrees 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degreesOutputImage