Print quality and color settingsColor SettingsSetting Item Options DescriptionColor Mode (*1) ColorMonochrome (Photo)MonochromeChoose whether to print in color ormonochrome.(→P.252)Color Adjustment (Images)Color Adjustment (Graphics)Color Adjustment (Text)CyanMagentaYellowBrightnessContrastSaturationGray Tone AdjustmentYou can adjust the levels of cyan,magenta, and yellow as well as thebrightness, contrast, saturation,and gray tone separately forimages, graphics, and textdocuments.If you choose Monochrome inColor Mode only Brightness andContrast can be adjusted.Gray Adjustment Color BalanceBrightnessContrastHighlightShadowChoose the gray tone color balance( Cool Black or Warm Black )and adjust levels of brightness,contrast, highlight, and shadow asdesired.These levels can be adjusted whenMonochrome (Photo) is selectedin Color Mode .Color-Matching Modes Driver Matching ModeICC Matching ModeOffChoose the color-matching mode.Other color-matching modes maybe provided by the computeroperating system, such as ICMand ColorSync.Color-Matching Method (*2) AutoPerceptualPerceptual (People, Dark Areas)SaturationColorimetricOthersChoose the color-matchingmethod. The available optionsvary depending on your selectionin “Color-Matching Mode.”Color Space (*3) sRGBAdobe RGBChoose a standard color space( sRGB ) or an expanded colorspace ( Adobe RGB ).*1: Options suitable for the selected Print Priority are listed under Color Mode.*2: The order of options displayed varies depending on the operating system.*3: Adobe RGB is not available if an incompatible combination of the paper type and print quality isselected.Enhanced Printing Options 243