22 2-812-81Technology > Embedded RDS > Troubleshooting > Error code and stringsTechnology > Embedded RDS > Troubleshooting > Error code and stringsNo. Code Error characterstringsCauses Remedy19 8xxx2048Service not found There is a mistake in theUGW URL, and UGWcannot be accessed. (Pathis wrong)Check that the value of Service mode> Function > Install > RGW-ADDRESScan be https://a01.ugwdevice.net/ugw/agentif01020 8xxx0003E-RDS switch is setOFFA communication test hasbeen attempted with theE-RDS switch being OFFSet Service mode > #E-RDS > E-RDSSWITCH to 1, and then run Servicemode > Function > Install > COM-TEST.21 8xxx0003Server schedule isnot existBlank schedule data havebeen received from UGW.Check the device settings status withthe UGW administrator.22 8xxx2003Network is notready, try laterCommunication attemptedwithout confirmingnetwork connection, justafter booting up a devicein which the networkpreparations are not ready.(Network connection notestablished within 60seconds of device bootup.)Check the network connection, as perthe troubleshooting initial procedures.Run Service mode > #E-RDS > COM-TEST about 60 seconds after turn onthe device.23 8xxx2052URL error The data which is not URLis inputted into URL field.Check Servicemode > #E-RDSRGW-ADDRESS can be https://a01.ugwdevice.net/ugw/agentif010.If not, enter the correct URL strings inURL description field..24 8xxx200BServer addressresolution errorServer address nameresolution has failed.Check Servicemode > #E-RDS >RGW-ADDRESS can be https://a01.ugwdevice.net/ugw/agentif010.25 0xxx0003Communication testis not performedCommunication test hasnot completedPerform and complete acommunication test.26 8xxx0221Server specified listis too bigAlert filtering error: Thenumber of elements of thelist specified by the serveris over restriction value.The number of elements of alertfiltering is specified correctly.27 8xxx0222Server specified listis wrongAlert filtering error: Unjustvalue is included in theelement of the list specifiedby the server.The element of alert filtering isspecified with the right value.No. Code Error characterstringsCauses Remedy28 xxxxxxxxSUSPEND:Initialize Failure!Internal error occurred atthe initiating E-RDS.Turn the device power OFF/ ON.29 83000306SRAM versionunmatched!Improper value is writtenin at the head of SRAMdomain of E-RDS.Turn the device power OFF/ ON.30 8xxx0304Device is busy, trylaterThe semaphoreconsumption error at thetime of a communicationtest.Wait a while then rerun the test.31 8xxx0207 -0208Internal Schedule isbrokenThe schedule data in theinside of E-RDS is notright.Perform a communication test.32 8xxx0004Operation is notsupportedMethod which E-RDS isnot supporting attempted.Contact help desk*1. [Hexadecimal ] indicates an error code returned from UGW.[Error strings]: indicates error details returned from UGW.T-2-44T-2-44