88 8-228-22Service Mode > Details of Service Mode > #SCAN > READERService Mode > Details of Service Mode > #SCAN > READERBit Name Display contents RemarksBit1 Document tray width sensor 1 (PI1) 1: Document presentBit2 Not used.Bit3 Not used.Bit4 Delivery reversal sensor (PI6) 1: Document presentBit5 Read sensor (PI7) 1: Document presentBit6 Not used.Bit7 Registration sensor (PI8) 1: Document presentBit8 Document length sensor 2 (PI5) 1: Document presentBit9 Document length sensor 1 (PI4) 1: Document presentBit10 Not used.Bit11 Cover open/closed sensor (PI10) 1: OpenBit12 Last document detection sensor (PI3) 1: Document presentBit13 Document set sensor (PI11) 1: Document present(#SCAN> READER> ADJUST> ADJ-XY> ADJ-X)Adjustment of scanning system image lead edge position. (image's scan-start position invertical scanning direction)0.1mm shift of image scan-start position toward the trail edge direction by 1-increment in thesetting.Note:Be sure to enter the value on service label when replacing the CIS unit.If changing the setting value of this item, be sure to Note the changed value on theservice label.(#SCAN> READER> ADJUST> ADJ-XY> ADJ-Y)Adjustment value of image scan-start position 0.1mm shift of image scan-start position toward the trail edge direction by 1-increment in thesetting.Note:Be sure to enter the value on service label when replacing the CIS unit.If changing the setting value of this item, be sure to Note the changed value on theservice label.(#SCAN> READER> ADJUST> ADJ-XY> ADJ-S)Adjustment of CCD/CIS scan-start cell position. (image scan-start position in horizontalscanning direction)T-8-34T-8-34Adjust the position to measure data for shading correction with standard white plate. This itemmust not be normally used.Note:Be sure to enter the value on service label when replacing the CIS unit.If changing the setting value of this item, be sure to Note the changed value on theservice label.(#SCAN> READER> ADJUST> ADJ-XY> ADJ-Y-DF)Adjustment of horizontal scanning position at feeder mode.0.1mm shift of image scan-start position toward the front direction by 1-increment in thesetting value.Note:Be sure to enter the value on service label when replacing the CIS unit.If changing the setting value of this item, be sure to Note the changed value on theservice label.(#SCAN> READER> ADJUST> ADJ-XY> ADJ-Y-POS)Adjustment of CCD/CIS scan position at stream-reading mode with DF.This item must not be normally used.Note:Be sure to enter the value on service label when executing RAM clear of the readercontroller PCB/ replacing the reader controller PCB.If changing the setting value of this item, be sure to Note the changed value on thereader's service label.l.(#SCAN> READER> ADJUST> ADJ-XY> ADJ-X-MG)Fine adjustment of magnification ration in vertical scanning when scanning with readercopyboard.Execute fine adjustment of vertical scanning magnification ratio when scanning with readercopyboard.0.1mm shift of image scan-start position toward the front direction by 1-increment in thesetting value.