88 8-388-38Service Mode > Details of Service Mode > #E-RDS > ConfigurationService Mode > Details of Service Mode > #E-RDS > ConfigurationWhen a license option is displayed in Procedure (4), 001 1 is displayed. The last "1" showsthat the license is validated by license authentication.After the license is erased, the last number is changed to "2".When the option is standard, the last number shows "3" which means disable for licensetransfer.Details about the last number:1: The function is validated.2: The function is invalidated, or a license is transferred.3: The function is invalidated, or the license does not exist.#E-RDSConfigurationSettings related to e-RDS are described below.Item Default Setting range DescriptionE-RDSSWITCH0 0 or 1 e-RDS OFF/ON setting (0:OFF / 1:ON)Whenused (ON), the counter information and errorinformation are sent to UGW.Default: 0 (OFF)RGW-ADDRESSURL of UGW Character stringlength:129byte(including NULL,one-byte codes only)URL of UGWDefault: URL of actualUGWCharacter string length: 129 bytes (includingNULL, one-byte codes only)RGW-PORT 443 1-65535 Port No. of UGW Default: 443Setting range: 1 to65535CNT-DATE Setting of the date of sending the counterinformation to the server (Valid after input oflicense).Set the start date of the schedule to send thecounter information to the server using a thirdparty expansion function of E-RDS.Refer to the user mode date setting.(12 digits: YYYYMMDDHHMM)YYYY: Year MM: Month DD: DayHH: Hour MM: MinuteCNT-INTV 24 1-168 (on a weeklybasis)Setting of the interval of sending the counterinformation to the server (Valid after input oflicense).Set the interval of sending the counter informationto the server using a third party expansionfunction of E-RDS.COM-TEST Execution of communication test An attemptis made to connect to UGW, judges whetherconnection is successful, and displays "COM-TEST OK" or "COMTEST NG" as the judgmentresult.COM-LOG Details of communication test result. The log oferrors in communication with UGW is displayed.The error information includes the error occurrencetime, error code, and details of the error.Maximumlog count: 5Error information length: Max. 128characters (excluding NULL)SCALLCMP Repair completion process (call button function)Used when the service personnel has completedthe requested repair.T-8-49T-8-49