88 8-58-5Service Mode > Default Settings > Service Mode MenusService Mode > Default Settings > Service Mode Menus#SPECIAL Do not change.#NCU Do not change.#FAX Not used.#SCANNo. Initial setting Range setting Explanation#SCAN SW SW1 - SW50 Not used#SCAN NUMERIC 001: - 030: Not used031: 0 0 to 70, oneunit=0.1mmVertical scan start positionadjustment032: Not used033: 32 0 to 64, oneunit=0.1%Vertical scan magnificationcorrection034: Not used035: - 036: 423 Book motor speed adjustment037: - 040: Not used041: 0 0 to 70, oneunit=0.1mmVertical scan start positionadjustment (scanning on ADF)042:- 046: Not used047: 32 0 to 64, oneunit=0.1%Vertical scan magnificationcorrection (scanning on ADF)048: 32 0 to 64, oneunit=0.1%Horizontal scan magnificationcorrection (scanning on ADF)049: - 350: Not usedT-8-4T-8-4T-8-5T-8-5#PRINTNo. Initial setting Range setting Explanation#PRINT SW SW01 - SW014 Not usedSW15 00000000 Delivery-related settingSW16 - SW50 Not used#PRINT NUMERIC 01: - 33: Not used34: 95 0 to 200, oneunit = 0.1 mmLeft-end registrationadjustment (multi-purposetray)35: 94 0 to 200, oneunit = 0.1 mmLeft-end registrationadjustment (cassette)36 90 0 to 200, oneunit = 0.1 mmLeft-end registrationadjustment (option)37 - 38: Not used39: 100 0 to 200, oneunit = 0.1 mmLeft-end registrationadjustment (duplex unit)40 - 52: Not used53: 80 0 to 9999, oneunit = 0.1mmAdjustment of margin atleading edge of copy54: 50 0 to 9999, oneunit = 0.1mmAdjustment of margin attrailing edge of copy55: 50 0 to 9999, oneunit = 0.1mmAdjustment of margin atright edge of copy56: 50 0 to 9999, oneunit = 0.1mmAdjustment of margin at leftedge of copy57 - 70: Not used#PRINT CST U1 0 Not usedU2 0 Not used03 0 Not used#NETWORK Not used.#CODEC Not used.#SYSTEMNo. Initial setting Range of setting Function#SYSTEM SW SW01- SW02 not usedSW03 00001000 Import/export of the userinformation via USBSW04 - SW50 not used#SYSTEMNUMERIC001: -100: not used#ACC Not usedT-8-6T-8-6T-8-7T-8-7T-8-8T-8-8T-8-9T-8-9