88 8-118-11Service Mode > Service Soft Switch Settings (SSSW) > SSSW-SW25 > Detailed Discussions of Bit 2Service Mode > Service Soft Switch Settings (SSSW) > SSSW-SW25 > Detailed Discussions of Bit 2SSSW-SW18List of FunctionsBit Function 1 00 Detection of carrier disconnection betweenthe DCS signal and the TCF signalYes No*1 Waiting time for carrier disconnectionbetween the DCS signal and the TCF signal600 msec 300 msec*2 Not used - -3 Not used - -4 Not used - -5 Not used - -6 Not used - -7 Not used - -Detailed Discussions of Bit 0It is possible to select whether or not to detect carrieir disconnection between the DCSsignal and the TCF signal during reception.If the receiving machine returns an FTT signal while the other machine (PC-FAX) istransmitting a TCF siganl and a reception error occurs, set this bit to "1".If thw error still occurs, set bit 1 of #SSSW SW18 to "1".Detailed Discussions of Bit 1It is possible to select the detection time for caarrier disconnection between the DCS signaland TCF signal during reception.This bit is available for use when #SSSW SW18 Bit0 is set to "1".If the symptom is not resolved by setting SW18 Bit 0 to "1," set this bit to "1."T-8-26T-8-26SSSW-SW25List of FunctionsBit Function 1 00 Transmission telephonenumbers displayed on reportsOther fax number Called number1 not used - -2 Action when receiving blank CSI Disregard Receive3 not used - -4 not used - -5 not used - -6 not used - -7 not used - -Detailed Discussions of Bit 0Selects the transmission telephone number displayed on reports after the completion oftransmission.When "Called number" is selected, the telephone number the fax called is displayed onreports.When "Other fax number" is selected, the telephone number sent from the other fax (theCSI signal data) is displayed on reports.Detailed Discussions of Bit 2When "Disregard" is selected, the received blank CSI is disregarded and a dialed number,if any, is displayed on LCD/report.When "Receive" is selected, LCD/report is blank if the dialed number is known.T-8-27T-8-27