WALL MOUNTED AIR CONDITIONERINSTALLATION MANUALCarrier is committed for continuous improvement of Carrier products according to national and internationalstandards to ensure the highest quality and reliability standards, and to meet market regulations and requirements.All specifications subject to change without prior notice according to Carrier policy of continuous developmentAHI CARRIER S.E. EUROPE AIRCONDITIONING S.A.18, KIFISOU AVENUE 10442 ATHENS, GREECETEL: +30-210-6796300.IMROPTANT NOTE:Read this manual carefully before installing or operating your new air conditioning unit.Make sure to save this manual for future reference.Please check the applicable models, F-GAS and manufacturer information from the“Owner's Manual - Product Fiche” in the packaging of the outdoor unit.(European Union products only)LG B ENG ISHINSTALLATION MANUALS K SLOVENČINAS QH R HRVATSKIB GC ZM K МАКЕДОНСКИSHQIPČEŠTINAБЪЛГАРСКИS R SRPSKIR O ROMÂ NĂS LB SMAGYARSLOVENŠ ČINABOSA NSKIH UE L ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑMANUALI I INSTALIMITNÁVOD NA INŠTALÁCIUУПАТСТВО ЗА МОНТИРАЊЕPRIRUČNIK ZA UGRADNJUPRIRUČNIK ZA INSTALACIJUUPUTSTVO ZA UGRADNJUNAVODILA ZA NAMESTITEVMANUAL DE INSTALARESZERELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓNÁVOD K INSTALACIРЪКОВОДСТВО ЗА МОНТАЖ