1050JZ Corner weights (in Pounds)I Determine cooling and heating requirements at designconditions:Given:Required Cooling Capacity (TC) . . . . . . . . . 33,500 BtuhSensible Heat Capacity (SHC) . . . . . . . . . . . 24,500 BtuhRequired Heating Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 BtuhCondenser Entering Air Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . 95°FIndoor-Air Temperature . . . . . . . . . . 80°F edb, 67°F ewbEvaporator Air Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1200 cfmExternal Static Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 in. wgElectrical Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230-1-60II Select unit based on required cooling capacity.Enter Net Cooling Capacities table at condenser enteringtemperature of 95°F. The 50JZ036 unit at 1200 cfm and67°F ewb (entering wet bulb) will provide a total capacityof 36,600 Btuh and a SHC of 28,200 Btuh. Calculate SHCcorrection, if required, using Note 4 under CoolingCapacities tables.III Select electric heat.Enter the 50JZ036 unit Heating Extended Performancetable at 1200 cfm. At 70°F return indoor air and 20°F airentering outdoor coil, the integrated heating capacity is17,400 Btuh. (Select integrated heating capacity valuesince deductions for outdoor-coil frost and defrosting havealready been made. No correction is required.)The required heating capacity is 25,000 Btuh. Therefore,7,600 Btuh (25,000 – 17,400) additional electric heat isrequiredDetermine additional electric heat capacity in kw.7,600 Btuh3414 Btuh/kWEnter the Electric Heater table on page 5 for 208/230 v,single-phase, unit. The 5-kw heater at 240v most closelysatisfies the heating required. To calculate kw at 230v,multiply the heater kw by multiplication factor 0.92 foundin the Multiplication Factors table on page 17.5 kw x 0.92 = 4.6 kw4.6 kw x 3414 Btuh/kw = 15,704 BtuhTotal unit heating capacity is 33,104 Btuh (17,400 +15,704).IV Determine fan speed and power requirements at designconditions.Before entering the air delivery tables, calculate the totalstatic pressure required. From the given, Filter PressureDrop Table, Electrical Heat Pressure Drop table, and theWet Coil Pressure Drop table, find:External static pressure 0.200 in. wgFilter 0.130 in. wgElectric Heaters 0.000 in. wgTotal static pressure 0.330 in. wgEnter the table for Wet Coil Air Delivery — (230 and460v.) At 0.33 in. wg external static pressure and highspeed, the motor delivers 1238 cfm, and 605 watts.V Select unit that corresponds to power source available.The Electrical Data table shows that the unit is designed tooperate at 208/230-1-60.= 2.2 kw of heat requiredSelection Procedure1 24 3xyCORNER WEIGHTS (SMALL CABINET) CORNER WEIGHTS (LARGE CABINET)Unit 24 30 36 Unit 42 48 60Total Weight 299 320 328 Total Weight 350 355 428Corner Weight 1 63 63 64 Corner Weight 1 75 76 92Corner Weight 2 62 74 76 Corner Weight 2 49 50 60Corner Weight 3 56 56 58 Corner Weight 3 95 96 116Corner Weight 4 118 127 130 Corner Weight 4 131 133 160Model 50JZModel 50JZC00071