23452 = 5 v457 = 7 v455 = 2 vLEGENDFLA — Full Load AmpsLRA — Locked Rotor AmpsMCA — Minimum Circuit AmpsMOCP — Maximum Overcurrent ProtectionRLA — Rated Load AmpsNOTES:1. In compliance with NEC (National Electrical Code) requirementsfor multimotor and combination load equipment (refer to NECArticles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protective device for theunit shall be Power Supply fuse . The CGA (Canadian GasAssociation) units may be fuse or circuit breaker.2. Minimum wire size is based on 60 C copper wire. If other than60 C wire is used, or if length exceeds wire length in table,determine size from NEC.3. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply VoltageNever operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply volt-age is greater than 2%. Use the following formula to determinethe percentage of voltage imbalance.% Voltage imbalancemax voltage deviation from average voltage= 100 x average voltageEXAMPLE: Supply voltage is 460-3-60.AB = 452 vBC = 464 vAC = 455 v452 + 464 + 455Average Voltage = 31371= 3= 457Determine maximum deviation from average voltage.(AB) 457(BC) 464(AC) 457Maximum deviation is 7 v.Determine percent of voltage imbalance.7% Voltage Imbalance = 100 x 457= 1.53%This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below themaximum allowable 2%.IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance ismore than 2%, contact your local electric utility companyimmediately.®*Heater capacity (KW) based on heater voltage of 208v, 240v, & 480v.If power distribution voltage to unit varies from rated heater voltage,heater KW will vary accordingly.50JZ WITH ICM FIOP ELECTRICAL DATAUNITSIZE50JZ V-PH-HzVOLTAGERANGE COMPRESSOR OUTDOORFAN MOTOR INDOORFAN MOTOR ELECTRIC HEATSINGLE POINTPOWER SUPPLYMin Max RLA LRA FLA FLA Nominal kw* FLA UNIT MCAMAX FUSEor CKT. BKR. MOCP024 208/230-1-60 187 253 13.5 61.0 0.9 4.3—/—3.8/5.05.4/7.27.5/10.0—/—18.1/20.825.9/30.036.1/41.722.1/22.144.6/48.154.5/59.667.2/74.230/3050/5060/–———–/7070/80030 208/230-1-60 187 253 15.9 73.0 0.9 4.3—/—3.8/5.05.4/7.27.5/10.011.3/15.0—/—18.1/20.825.9/30.036.1/41.754.2/62.525.1/25.147.6/51.157.4/62.670.2/77.292.8/103.230/3050/50—————70/7080/80100/110036 208/230-1-60 187 253 16.9 83.0 1.6 6.8—/—3.8/5.05.4/7.27.5/10.011.3/15.0—/—18.1/20.825.9/30.036.1/41.754.2/62.529.5/29.552.1/55.661.9/67.074.7/81.697.2/107.740/4060/60—————70/8080/90100/110042 208/230-1-60 187 253 22.4 105.0 0.9 6.8—/—3.8/5.05.4/7.27.5/10.011.3/15.015.0/20.0—/—18.1/20.825.9/30.036.1/41.754.2/62.572.2/83.335.7/35.758.3/61.768.1/73.280.8/87.8103.4/113.0126.0/139.950/50——————70/7080/8090/90110/125150/150048 208/230-1-60 187 253 21.3 109.0 1.6 6.8—/—3.8/5.05.4/7.27.5/10.011.3/15.015.0/20.0—/—18.1/20.825.9/30.036.1/41.754.2/62.572.2/83.335.0/35.057.6/61.167.4/72.580.2/87.1102.7/113.2125.3/139.250/50——————70/7080/8090/90110/125150/150060 208/230-1-60 187 253 27.6 158.0 1.6 9.2—/—3.8/5.05.4/7.27.5/10.011.3/15.015.0/20.0—/—18.1/20.825.9/30.036.1/41.754.2/62.572.2/83.345.1/45.167.7/71.177.7/82.890.3/97.2112.8/123.2135.4/149.360/60——————80/8090/90100/110125/125150/150