4Rated Indoor Airflow (cfm)The table to the right lists the rated indoor airflow usedfor the AHRI efficiency rating for the units covered in thisdocument.Model Number Full Load Airflow (cfm)50TCQD14 45005 0 T C Q D 1 4 A 1 A 6 – 0 B 2 A 0Cooling Tons14 - 12.5 ton1Example:Position: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Sensor OptionsA = NoneB = RA Smoke DetectorC = SA Smoke DetectorD = RA + SA Smoke DetectorE = CO2F = RA Smoke Detector and CO 2G = SA Smoke Detector and CO 2H = RA + SA Smoke Detector and CO 2J = Condensate Overflow Switch (electro-mechanical controls only)K = Condensate Overflow Switch and RA Smoke DetectorsL = Condensate Overflow Switch and RA and SA Smoke DetectorsIndoor Fan Options1 = Standard Static Option – Belt Drive2 = Medium Static Option – Belt Drive3 = High Static Option – Belt DriveC = High Static Option with High Efficiency MotorCoil Options (Outdoor - Indoor - Hail Guard)A = Al/Cu - Al/CuB = Precoat Al/Cu - Al/CuC = E-coat Al/Cu - Al/CuD = E-coat Al/Cu - E-coat Al/CuE = Cu/Cu - Al/CuF = Cu/Cu - Cu/CuM = Al/Cu -Al/Cu — Louvered Hail GuardN = Precoat Al/Cu - Al/Cu — Louvered Hail GuardP = E-coat Al/Cu - Al/Cu — Louvered Hail GuardQ = E-coat Al/Cu - E-coat Al/Cu — Louvered Hail GuardR = Cu/Cu - Al/Cu — Louvered Hail GuardS = Cu/Cu - Cu/Cu — Louvered Hail GuardVoltage1 = 575/3/605 = 208-230/3/606 = 460/3/60Design Revision– = Factory Design RevisionBase Unit Controls0 = Electro-mechanical Controls can be used with W7212EconoMi$er® IV (Non-Fault Detection and Diagnostic)1 = PremierLink™ Controller*2 = RTU Open Multi-Protocol Controller6 = Electro-mechanical with W7220 Economizercontroller Controls. Can be used with W7220EconoMi$er X (with Fault Detection and Diagnostic)Intake / Exhaust OptionsA = NoneB = Temperature Economizer with Barometric ReliefF = Enthalpy Economizer with Barometric ReliefK = 2-Position DamperU = Temperature Ultra Low Leak Economizer withBarometric ReliefW = Enthalpy Ultra Low Leak Economizer withBarometric ReliefService Options0 = None1 = Unpowered Convenience Outlet2 = Powered Convenience Outlet3 = Hinged Panels4 = Hinged Panels andUnpowered Convenience Outlet5 = Hinged Panels andPowered Convenience OutletFactory Assigned0 = Standard1 = LTL3 = CA Seismic Complaint4 = LTL and CA Seismic CompliantRefrig. Systems OptionsD = Two Stage Cooling ModelsUnit/Series/Model50TCQ - Packaged Rooftop Heat PumpElectrical OptionsA = NoneC = Non-Fused DisconnectD = Thru-The-Base ConnectionsF = Non-Fused Disconnect andThru-The-Base ConnectionsG = 2-Speed Indoor Fan (VFD) ControllerJ = 2-Speed Indoor Fan (VFD) Controllerand Non-Fused DisconnectK = 2-Speed Indoor Fan (VFD) Controllerand Thru-The-Base ConnectionsM = 2-Speed Indoor Fan (VFD) Controllerwith Non-Fused Disconnect andThru-The-Base Connections* PremierLink controller can not be used with Staged AirVolume (SAV™) 2-speed indoor fan motor.It is recommended with models using Staged Air Volume(SAV) 2-speed indoor fan motor control that theEconoMi$er X system be used because it containstwo ventilation set points, one for each fan speed.a50--- 9706Fig. 1 -- 50TCQD14 Model Number Nomenclature (Example)