124APPENDIX C — CCN TABLES (cont)CONFIGURATION TABLES*Day of week where daylight savings time will occur in the morning (at2:00 am). Daylight savings time occurs on Sunday (7) morning, 1 hour shallbe added when entering and 1 hour subtracted when leaving.†Date once selected (from 1) shall occur in the week number entered. 1: If dayof week selected is 7 (Sunday) time change will occur the first Sunday (weeknumber 1) in the month. 5: If day of week selected is 7 (Sunday) time changewill occur the last Sunday of the month (week number 4 or 5).NOTE: nn is software version.TABLE DISPLAY NAME RANGE DEFAULT UNITS POINT NAME!CtlrID/PD5_XAXQ Device Name 8 chars 30XWDescription 24 chars PRO-DIALOG 530XA XQ XWDevDescLocation 24 chars LocationSoftware Part Number 16 chars CSA-SR-20C47nnnn PartNumModel Number 20 chars ModelNumSerial Number 12 chars SerialNoReference Number 24 chars RefNumCCN Bus Number 0-239 0 CCNBCCN Element Number 1-239 1 CCNACCN Baud Rate 9600 9600 BAUD1920038400ALARMDEF/ALARMS01Alarm Routing Control 0-11111111 00000000 ALRM_CNTAlarm Equipment Priority 0-7 4 EQP_TYPComm Failure Retry Time 1-240 10 min RETRY_TMRealarm Time 1-255 30 min RE_ALARMAlarm System Name 8 chars PRO_XAXQ ALRM_NAMBRODEFS/BROCASTSActivate 0=Unused1=Broadcast time,date, holiday flag andOAT.2=For Standalonechiller. Daylight savingstime & holiday determi-nation will be donewithout broadcastingthrough the bus.2 — ccnbroadOAT BroadcastBus # 0 to 239 0 oatbusnmElement # 0 to 239 0 oatlocadDAYLIGHT SAVING SELECT Disable/Enable Disable dayl_selENTERINGMonth 1 to 12 3 startmonDay of week* (1=Monday) 1 to 7 7 startdowWeek Number of Month† 1 to 5 5 startwomLEAVINGMonth 1 to 12 10 StopmonDay of week* (1=Monday) 1 to 7 7 StoptdowWeek Number of Month† 1 to 5 5 stopwomHOLIDAY/HOLDY_nnnn = 01 to 16Holiday Start Month 0-12 0 HOL_MONStart Day 0-31 0 HOL_DAYDuration (days) 0-99 0 HOL_LENOCCDEFCS/OCCnP0nSn = 1 or 2Timed Override Hours 0-4 0 OVR_EXTPeriod 1 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 11111111 DOW1Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD1Occupied To 00:00-24:00 24:00 UNOCTOD1Period 2 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 11111111 DOW2Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD2Occupied To 00:00-24:00 00:00 UNOCTOD2Period 3 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 00000000 DOW3Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD3Occupied To 00:00-24:00 00:00 UNOCTOD3Period 4 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 00000000 DOW4Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD4Occupied To 00:00-24:00 00:00 UNOCTOD4Period 5 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 00000000 DOW5Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD5Occupied To 00:00-24:00 00:00 UNOCTOD5Period 6 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 00000000 DOW6Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD6Occupied To 00:00-24:00 00:00 UNOCTOD6Period 7 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 00000000 DOW7Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD7Occupied To 00:00-24:00 00:00 UNOCTOD7Period 8 DOW (MTWTFSSH) 0/1 00000000 DOW8Occupied From 00:00-24:00 00:00 OCCTOD8Occupied To 00:00-24:00 00:00 UNOCTOD8