E-21Basic OperationsA number of the tones that are available with this keyboardhave been recorded and processed using a technique calleddigital sampling. To ensure a high level of tonal quality,samples are taken in the low, mid, and high ranges and thencombined to provide you with sounds that are amazinglyclose to the originals. You may notice very slight differencesin volume or sound quality for some tones when you playthem at different positions on the keyboard. This is anunavoidable result of multiple sampling, and it is not a signof malfunction.This keyboard has only a single DSP sound source. Because ofthis, selecting tones for which DSP is enabled for multipleparts when layering or splitting tones (page E-66, 67) cancause conflicts. To avoid conflicts, DSP is allocated to the lastDSP enabled tone, and DSP is disabled (DSP line OFF) for allother parts.DSP line is a parameter that controls whether or not thecurrently selected DSP effect is applied to a part.* Each tonehas a DSP line parameter. Selecting a tone for a part appliesthe tone’s DSP line parameter setting to all parts.* The DSP line parameter is turned on (DSP effect isapplied) for the 300 Advanced Tones numbered 000through 299, and turned off (DSP effect not applied) forthe 200 preset tones from 300 to 499. For informationabout other tones, see “Tone Types” on page E-19.Pressing this button changes the setup of the keyboard tooptimize it for piano play.SettingsJ To optimize keyboard settings for piano play1. Press the PIANO SETTING button.2. Now try playing something on the keyboard. The notes you play will sound with a piano tone.3. If you want to play with rhythm accompaniment,press the START/STOP button. This causes a rhythm that is optimized for pianowill start to play. To stop rhythm play, press the START/STOPbutton again. Pressing the PIANO SETTING button while a rhythm isplaying stops rhythm play and then changes the keyboardsetup. Pressing the PIANO SETTING button while the keyboard isin the Synthesizer Mode or other mode exits the currentmode and then changes the keyboard setup. The setup of the keyboard does not change if you press thePIANO SETTING button when any one of the followingexists.* During real-time recording, step recording, or whileusing the editing function of the Song Memory* While the data save or overwrite message is on thedisplay* During a registration data save operationDigital SamplingChanging Tones and Configuring DSPEffect SettingsPIANO SETTING ButtonTone number: “000 St.GrPno”Rhythm number: “120 Pf Bld 1”Accompaniment Mode: NormalLayer: OffSplit: OffAuto Harmonize: OffTranspose: 0Touch Response: Off: Returns to initial defaultOn: No changeAssignable Jack: SUSLocal Control: OnMixer Channel 1 ParameterSetup: Depends on tone705A-E-023A