Operating System Controls. jjIn some ways, your VZ is very similar to a computer, as it is capable ofstoring and generating a large amount of digital sound data. This "dataprocessing" is maintained by the "Operating System," which you can thinkof as a collection of system programs that control the overall operationof the unit.The main interface with the operating system can be found in the menufunctions. These functions contain a number of parameters, which determine the various characteristics of the sounds. In fact, sound synthesison the unit basically consists of inputting values for these parameters.With a computer, you generally execute a certain program, and use a cursor to move to different positions in the displayed page, and use the keyboard to input commands, values, text, etc. (this is, of course a simplifiedexplanation.)Your unit works much in the same way, and it features a number of basic"Operating System Controls" which are used to perform the same functions a computer keyboard or mouse would perform.Look at the MENUs shown to the right; this list gives you a bird's-eyeview of how the MENUs, and FUNCTIONS within the menus, are organized. Notice that these menus are divided into sections, with the relative basic MODEs listed on the left, and the various FUNCTIONS on theright. The MODE side shows in which modes the various functions areoperative.To work in the operating system, you first choose what MODE you wantto work in, by pressing one of the MODE keys.After you've selected the mode, you must specify what MENU you wantto enter, by pressing EDIT key or TOTAL CONTROL key.Now that you've specified the MODE and MENU, choose the actualFUNCTION containing the parameters you want to access by using thePAGE keys. You can scroll continuously through the functions in anyselected menu with these keys. To scroll up (increment numbers), pressthe PAGE [A] key. To scroll down (decrement numbers), press the PAGE[▼] key.EFFECTNORMALCOMBI-.NATIONMULTICHANNEL00 MIDI CHANNEL01 PORTAMENTO/ SOLO02 PITCH BEND03 AFTER TOUCH04 MOD WHEEL05 DEF CONTROL06 FOOT VR07 FOOTSW08 VEL TABLE SELECT09 PAN10 LEVEL11 PITCH12 SPLIT POINT13 VELSPUT14 VELINVERSE15 POSCROSSFADE16 DELAY TRIG17 TOTAL VIBRATO18 VIBRATO INV19 TOTAL TREMOLO20 TREMOLO INV21 COMBI COPYOPERATIONMEMORY00 OPMEM NAME01 OPMEM TUNEWithatthwheisounsimpTo athe (left iOncethe cYouthe vdecreis ret(Noteas wtis heWheiply pTRONoticselectationDiffntion 1ingS}withOPERATION COMBI- MULTI COMPARE/MEMORY NORMAL NATION CHANNEL RECALLWRITE TOTAL EOIT BANK SHIFTCOPY/INIT CONTROL M ON/OFFPAGE CURSOR VALUE