Function Index Practice ExerciseAbout the Function Index Practice ExerciseThe following is an example of how you can use the Function Indexesas a guide to actual editing operations. Be sure to go through this exercisecarefully, executing the operations as you go. This will not only provideyou with an understanding of how you can utilize the indexes, but alsoa basic understanding of the editing operations.Practice Exercise: Using Function IndexesHow to use Function Indexes when editing the VELOCITY RATE-relatedparameters in the VOICE PARAMETER menu.For this example, let's assume that you want to "edit" the VELOCITYRATE for the DCA envelope. Looking at the menu table, you'll find theVEL RATE SENS function listed as function 17 on the VOICEPARAMETER menu. Notice that this function affects both DCO andDCA envelopes, as shown in the second column.The Function Indexes are arranged in three main sections in this manual,corresponding to the three editing MENUs. You'll notice a black "tab"at the edge of the page (item ® on opposite page) which lists which "menu"the function can be accessed in.The related MODEs are listed at the bottom edge of the function indexpage (item ® on opposite page). In this case, VOICE-17 (VOICEPARAMETER menu, function # 17) can only be used when the NORMAL operating mode is selected (when the NORMAL key LED is lit).Since the goal of our practice exercise is to edit the RATE-relatedparameters for the DCA envelope, you'll want to choose a patch to editwhich is audibly "dependent" on these settings. This will make it easierto actually hear how changes in the various parameters will influence thesound.Try choosing PRESET (1) patch number G-5 — "VZ TOUCH."•To do this first select the PRESET (1) area by pressing the SHIFT key.•Next, press the BANK key followed by the "G" program key (labelled"G7"), and then the "5" key (labelled E5).Now, play some notes with varying degrees of key velocity, and take noteof how velocity affects this sound. Once you've got it down, go on toprocedure 1 listed below.i For this example, we'll work in the NORMAL mode, so first pressthe NORMAL key.Take a look at item <§) on the function index. This lists the OperatingSystem controls that are used in editing the parameters contained in thisfunction. You'll find this handy when working in any function. (Be sureto refer to this list as you work through this exercise as well.)•21?(D—krNORMflL K PST1G-5:UZ TOUCH|O/S I EDIT-g^j-PAGE-CURSOR-VALUE