d Functions^fJ>, the MIDI 1' the channel]exception ofjies using theli cursor keys,the CHAN-]neter setting.F05 MIDI DATA Related FunctionsParametersPROGRAM = 0- 127/0-63/DISEXCLUSIVE = ENA/DIS 'DEF CONTROL = OFF/12-31VOLUME = ENA/DISOVERFLOW = NORMAL 1 ~ 865 MIDI DflTflPRO6RflM=0-63O/S EDIT—PAGE—CURSOR—VALUEDomainModeKWNormal Combination4 mix/split 8 mixOperationmemoryMultichannelGLOBAL@5 MIDI DflTfl0UERFL0W=2iJhe parameters in this function are used to specify a variety of MIDI-related data (with the exception of the MIDI£ Channel).The PROGRAM NO parameter lets you choose the MIDIPROGRAM CHANGE message number. Note that messages are distributed as shown in the chart below. You canchoose from DIS, 0~63, and 0~ 127 settings with theVALUE controls.0-63: The unit receives messages 0-63 in the selectedmemory area (PRESET 1, PRESET 2, INTERNAL, CARD 1 or CARD 2).0-127: The unit receives messages 0-63 in INTERNALareas Al through H8. 64 ~ 127 are received asCARD 1. However, if INTERNAL is selected onthe receiving unit, 64-127 are received in thememory area which is selected in MIDI EXCLUSIVE function.When power is turned ON, memory area is set toCARD 1 (set to "INTERNAL" when no card isinserted).DIS: Program data is not received.The EXCLUSIVE parameter lets you choose whether ornot sound or operation data or multi-channel mode datais transmitted/received according to MIDI System Exclusive messages. When it is set to ENA (enable), MIDI communication can be controlled through these messages.The DEF CONTROL (control number) parameter is usedto specify the Control Change number of messages controlled by MIDI Control change No. 12-31 messages(see EFFECT-05 "DEF CONTROL"). When set to OFF,MIDI OUT /IN messages are not transmitted.The VOLUME parameter can be used to specify whetheror not the unit will transmit and receive MIDI Volume messages (control change 07). When set to ENA (enable), theMaster volume level can be controlled by MIDI messagesfrom an1 external device. When set to DIS (disable), theMaster volume is independent of external control.In addition, MIDI Volume messages are not output whenset to DIS.A Channel on which Master volume data is received inrespective performance modes is shown below.Overflow Mode — NORMAL 1-8The overflow mode allows programming so that no soundis produced until a specific MIDI IN NOTE ON messagenumber is received. When set to NORMAL, sound isproduced from the reception of the first NOTE ON message, with the last note played having priority.When the OVERFLOW MODE is set to "1", sound is alsoproduced from the reception of the first NOTE ON message, with the note previously played having priority.When set to "2", sound is produced only from the reception of the first NOTE ON message which exceeds the polyphonic limit of the device presently sounding.When set to "3", sound is produced only from the reception of the first NOTE ON message which exceeds a valuewhich is twice the polyphonic limit of the device presentlysounding.In this way, multiple VZ-8M's can be linked to create upto 64-note polyphony, with the first VZ-8M covering NOTEON messages 1 through 8, the second covering messages9 through 16, etc., as shown below.NOTE: The settings (MODE, operation data and voice dataetc.) must be the same for all VZ-8M units when used inthis configuration.NOTE ONSETTING message(NORMAL mode) ^1 1st- 8thMIDI DATAMIDIBOX 8. VZ-8M I 89th ~ 16th17th-24th57th -64th J8poiyx8°64poly(normal mode)• 74.