\\:\!$!00 MIDI CHANNEL Related FunctionsTOTAL—04ParametersCHANNEL=1~1689 MIDI CHRNNELCHRNNEL= 1MIDI Rl:8: 1CHRNNEL= 1O/S EDIT—PAGE—CURSOR—VALUEDomainModeKWNormalGLOBALCombination4 mix/split 8 mixGLOBALGLOBALGLOBAL89 MIDI CHRNNEL-TOTRL=ON CH 1-MultichannelAREAMIDI CHRNNELCHRNNEL* 1- 6The MIDI CHANNEL function is used to assign the MIDIreceive channel for the basic operating modes — the NORMAL mode, COMBI mode and MULTI-CH mode.Note that if function 04 in the TOTAL CONTROL menu(MIDI CHANNEL) is set to ON in either the NORMALor COMBI mode, it will be impossible to set the MIDIchannel using TOTAL-04.It's important to remember that the channel set using thisfunction is held in Operation Memory along with otherparameter settings.Notice that in the "G" Performance Mode, the parameter!is displayed as shown in FIG-D, however the cursor cannot be moved. Notice also that the number on the right jchanges automatically when the number on the left is altered (the number on the right being 5 "strings" higher than]the number on the left).In the MULTI CH mode, the Area Number, polyphony Iand MIDI channel are all shown on the display, as illus-1trated in FIG-B.To select the Area Number, use the PROG NO keys. The]MIDI channel number on the upper right side changes au-|tomatically when the Area Number is altered.018