riI1 rPITCH BEND Related FunctionsParametersBEND RANGE=0~48RELEASE = ENA/DIS62 PITCH BENDBEND RflNGE= 2@2 BEND U+2BEND RflN6E=O/S EDIT—PAGE—CURSOR—VALUEDomainModeKWNormalGLOBALCombination4 mix/split 8 mixPATCHGLOBALGLOBALGLOBALGLOBALGLOBAL02 PITCH BENDRELEflSE=ENflMultichannelAREA02 BEND fil:4: 1BEND RflNGE= 2This function features two parameters — BEND RANGEand RELEASE — which are used to determine how theexternal MIDI instrument pitch bend wheel can be usedto raise or lower pitch.The BEND RANGE parameter can be used to raise or lower the maximum limit that pitch can be bended by an external MIDI instrument, in half-step increments. At theminimum value of "0", the pitch bend wheel has no effect on pitch, while at the maximum value of "48", youcan bend notes a maximum of 48 half-steps (4 octaves),up and down.The RELEASE parameter lets you choose whether or notthe external keyboard pitch bend wheel can be used to bendsounds which are sustained after the keyboard is released.When this parameter is set to DIS (disable), you can bendnotes only before actually receiving note off message (before the release point in DCA curve).When set to ENA (enable), you can also bend any notethat is still sounding (portion of sound following the releasepoint in DCA curve) — even after releasing the corresponding key on the external keyboard. (FIG-C)In the "G" performance mode, parameters set for thesound programmed to MIDI Channel 1 affect the other5 MIDI channels. The pitch bend message, however, canbe received by each string independently.When PITCH BEND-related MIDI mode messages arereceived, operations automatically switch to this function.•47«03SENSITIVIT(NORMAL, \' CHANNEL(COMBINATVIB DEPTHVIBRATE = «03 RFTERSENS=2This functionMIDI controllis used to corTheSENSHTsitive" the extis high (at a leamount of pnare being com;ter touch funcIn the COMB!a range of - Sinput, after toThe other panI you determinemessage (and;■ Note that theseusing after toucI the effects "dewhich are alreacalready set a \function), so viAFTER TOUCvibrato depth vter touch.|The following <1 various so1VIB DEPTH :)N: Vibrato d}FF: After toiIB RATE =DN: Vibrato riAfter toiRTM TIMEPORTM tFF: PORTMPITCH BEND-ON: Pitch b("99")DFF: After toiPitch bei bend ran