Outdoor Unit SiBE07-618_C120 Removal Procedure1.6 Removal of Four Way ValveProcedure Warning Be sure to wait 10 minutes or more after turning off all power suppliesbefore disassembling work.Step Procedure Points1 Remove the screw andremove the four wayvalve coil.WarningBe careful not to get yourselfburnt with the pipes and otherparts that are heated by thegas brazing machine.WarningIf the refrigerant gas leaksduring work, ventilate theroom. (If the refrigerant gas isexposed to flames, toxic gasmay be generated.)CautionFrom the viewpoint of globalenvironment protection, donot discharge the refrigerantgas in the atmosphere. Makesure to collect all therefrigerant gas.Cautions for restoration1. Restore the piping by non-oxidation brazing.2. It is required to prevent thecarbonization of the oil insidethe four way valve and thedeterioration of the gasketsaffected by heat. (Keepbelow 120°C.) For the sakeof this, wrap the four wayvalve with wet cloth andprovide water so that thecloth does not dry.Note: Do not use a metal saw forcutting pipes by all meansbecause the sawdust comesinto the circuit. When withdrawing the pipes,be careful not to pinch themfirmly with pliers. The pipesmay get deformed. Provide a protective sheet ora steel plate so that thebrazing flame cannotinfluence peripheries. Before working, makesure that the refrigerantgas is empty in the circuit. Be sure to apply nitrogenreplacement whenheating up the brazedpart.2 Heat up the brazed partof the four way valveand disconnect.3 Heat up every brazedpart in turn anddisconnect.Four wayvalve coilFour wayvalve(R5297)