EKHVWQ002AAV3 + EKHHS200+260AA1V3Domestic hot water heat pump4PW65342-1A – 10.2010Installation manual19Detailed description[0] Different operation modes■ [0-00] Powerfull operation mode temperature set point■ [0-01] Disinfection operation mode tempeature set point■ [0-02] Temperature setpoint: reheat minimum temperature■ [0-03] Temperature setpoint: reheat maximum temperature■ [0-04] Reheat function enabled/disabled: defines whether thereheat operation is turned ON(1) or OFF(0)[1] Automatic domestic hot water tank temperature set pointcalculation■ [1-00] Renewal time for set point calculationThe automatic temperature set point calculation is done on adaily basis. The algorithm calculates for each day of the week anoptimum domestic hot water tank temperature set point. Tocalculate this temperature setpoint, the learning functionmonitors per 24 hours the domestic water heating demand andbased on this demand calculates the optimum set point for thatspecific day of the week.This field setting contains the starting time for the 24 hoursmonitoring period.This field setting must be set preferably after the main heatingup of the domestic water of the day has finished.For example: If in schedule timer operation mode the scheduletimer was set from 22 h until 6 h, the renewal time should be setat 6 h.■ [1-01] Minimum automatic temperature set pointIf required the minimum temperature set point for the automaticset point calculation can be adjusted. If, for example,considerable heatlosses are expected on the field pipingbetween the hot water tap and the domestic hot water heatpump, this temperature set point can be usefull.■ [1-02] Maximum automatic temperature set pointThe maximum temperature that the automatic set point canreach.However, if this value is set on a temperature higher than 60°C,that maximum temperature will only be reached when fieldsetting [3-02] is set to 1 (ON). If the setting of [3-02] is 0, themaximum temperature will be 60°C (only heating up by heatpump) ignoring higher set temperatures.[2] Disinfection operationThe disinfection function disinfects the domestic hot water tank byperiodically heating the domestic hot water to a specific temperature.■ [2-00] Operation interval: day of the week at which the domesticwater should be heated.■ [2-01] Status: defines whether the disinfection function is turnedON(1) or OFF(0)■ [2-02] Start time: time at which the disinfection operation isstarted.■ [2-03] Status: defines whether the disinfection function is turnedON(1) or OFF(0) during standby operation. If for example, duringholiday the customer puts the unit in stand-by mode by pressingthe Y button but still wants the disinfection mode to be active,the setting of [2-03] must be ON(1).■ [2-04] Interval: time period defining how long the disinfectiontemperature set point should be maintained.[3] Miscellaneous■ [3-00] Auto restartWhen power returns after a power supply failure, the auto restartfunction reapplies the user interface settings at the time of thepower supply failure.If auto restart is disabled after a power supply failure, the systemwill restart in OFF-mode. Press the v button to start heatingup the water again.Note that with the function disabled the schedule timer will notbe activated when power returns to the unit after a power supplyfailure. Press the pr button to enable the schedule timer again.■ [3-01] User permission levelThe remote controller can be programmed to make certainbuttons and functions unavailable for the user. There are 2permission levels defined.The following table shows which functions are accessable withpermission level 2 and with permission level 3.By default no level is defined so all buttons and functions areoperable.The actual permission level is determined by field setting. Forpermission level 2, set field setting [3-01] to 2, for permissionlevel 3, set field setting [3-01] to 3.Once the field setting is set, the chosen permission level is notyet active. Enabling the selected permission level is done bysimultaneously pressing buttons pi and pj immediatelyfollowed by simultaneously pressing buttons s and P, andkeeping all 4 buttons pressed for at least 5 seconds. Note thatno indication on the remote controller is given. After theprocedure the blocked buttons will not be available anymore.Deactivating the selected permission level is done on the sameway.NOTICEThe disinfection function field settings must be configuredby the installer according to local and national regulations.INFORMATIONIt is therefore recommended to leave the auto restartfunction enabled.INFORMATIONIf the benefit kWh rate power supply is of the type thatpower supply is interrupted, then always allow theauto restart function.Permissionlevel 2 level 3Domestic water heating operationON/OFFOperable OperablePowerful operation Operable Not availableSetting the domestic hot watertemperatureOperable OperableQuiet mode ON/OFF Operable Not availableAuto adaptive set point operationON/OFFOperable Not availableSetting the clock Not available Not availableProgramming the schedule timer Not available Not availableSchedule timer operation ON/OFF Operable Not availableField settings Not available Not availableError code display Not available Not availableDisplaying actual temperatures andwater flowNot available Not availableChanging unit of temperature(°C/°F)Operable OperableChanging user permession level Operable Operable