EKHVWQ002AAV3 + EKHHS200+260AA1V3Domestic hot water heat pump4PW65342-1A – 10.2010Installation manual21[7] Miscellaneous■ [7-01] DT for booster heaterWhen the domestic water is heated and the domestic hot waterset point temperature (as set by the user) has been reached, thebooster heater will stop until the domestic hot water temperaturedrops a few degrees below the set point temperature, i.e. thebooster heater ON temperature. The booster heater will startheating up the domestic water again. These degrees arespecified by the domestic hot water step length field setting.Correct setting prevents the booster heater from repeatedlyturning on and off (i.e. chattering) to maintain the domestic hotwater set point temperature.■ [7-01] Domestic hot water step length: temperaturedifference below the domestic hot water set pointtemperature before the booster heater is turned on again.■ [7-03] Not applicable■ [7-04] T-ambient adaption: this field setting allows to adapt theminimum allowed temperature in the installation room for heatpump operation.[8] Automatic set point calculation■ [8-00] Set point (weekdays): starting temperature for automaticset point calculation during weekdays.■ [8-01] Set point (week-end): starting temperature for automaticset point calculation during week-end.■ [8-02] Initial city water temperatureTo be able to start calculation of the automatic set point, [8-02]should be set to the current city water temperature when the unitis started. The outdoor temperature will influence the city watertemperature, making it colder during winter time and warmerduring summer time.■ [8-03] Reset demand: when this field setting is set to 1 andpower is reset, the automatic set point calculation is reset andcalculation will start all over again. This setting is used whenthere is a permanent change in the user domestic hot waterconsumption pattern.When power is reset, initialisation is executed and this fieldsetting will automatically be set to 0.■ [8-04] Domestic hot water tank volume: depending on whichdomestic hot water tank is used with the heat pump, the correctvolume must be set:■ [8-04]=0 when the tank volume is 260 litres (EKHHS260)■ [8-04]=1 when the tank volume is 200 litres (EKHHS200)[D] Benefit kWh rate power supplyBenefit kWh rate power supply[D-01] Unit connection to benefit kWh rate power supply: Defineswhether or not the unit is connected to a benefit kWh rate powersupply.■ If [D-01]=0, the unit is connected to a normal power supply(default value).■ If [D-01]=1 or 2, the unit is connected to a benefit kWh ratepower supply. In this case the wiring requires specific installationlike explained in "Connection to a benefit kWh rate powersupply" on page 15.When parameter [D-01]=1 at the moment that the benefit kWhrate signal is sent by the electricity company, that contact willopen and the unit will go in forced off mode (1).When parameter [D-01]=2 at the moment that the benefit kWhrate signal is sent by the electricity company, that contact willclose and the unit will go in forced off mode (2).[E] Unit information readout■ [E-00] Readout of the software version (example: 23)■ [E-01] Readout of the EEPROM version (example: 23)■ [E-02] Readout of the unit model identification (example: 11)BH Booster heaterHP Heat pumpTBH ON Booster heater ON temperature (T U –[7-01])T HP MAX Maximum domestic hot water tank temperature at sensor indomestic hot water tank by heat pump operationT DHW Domestic hot water temperatureTU User set point temperature (as set on the user interface)t TimeWARNINGIf the high water temperature can be a potential risk forhuman injuries, a mixing valve (field supply) shall beinstalled at the hot water outlet connection of the domestichot water tank. This mixing valve shall secure that the hotwater temperature at the hot water tap never rise above aset maximum value. This maximum allowable hot watertemperature shall be selected according to local andnational regulations.WARNINGIt is very important that this value is not set to atemperature that can cause damage to the installationroom!It must be set in a way so that condensation does notoccur on the cold walls of the adjacent heated room.WARNINGIf the value of [7-04] is set lower than 2°C, the correctunit operation can not be guaranteed and damage tothe unit can occur.tTDHWTHP ONTHP MAXTU[7-01]TU = 70°C[7-01] = 2°CHP BHTBH ON51055606870NOTICEBecause the domestic hot water demand is not knownfrom the start and to avoid comfort problems thisshould be set to the customer estimated consumptionset point.NOTICEIf the setting of [8-04] is not set correctly, customersmight have a hot water shortage when using the autoadaptive set point. So it is important to set thiscorrectly!(1) When the signal is released again, the voltage free contact will close andthe unit will restart operation. It is therefore important to leave the autorestart function enabled. Refer to "[3-00] Auto restart" on page 19.(2) When the signal is released again, the voltage free contact will open andthe unit will restart operation. It is therefore important to leave the autorestart function enabled. Refer to "[3-00] Auto restart" on page 19.