8 ConfigurationInstaller reference guide55ERLQ004~008CA + EHBH/X04+08CBDaikin Altherma – Low temperature split4P384972-1B – 2017.04# Code Description[] [0-00][0-01][0-02][0-03]Set weather-dependent heating:[0-00][0-01]TaTt[0-03] [0-02]▪ Tt: Target leaving water temperature(additional)▪ Ta: Outdoor temperaturecontinued >># Code Description[] [0-00][0-01][0-02][0-03]<< continuation▪ [0-03]: Low outdoor ambienttemperature. −40°C~+5°C (default:−10°C)▪ [0-02]: High outdoor ambienttemperature. 10°C~25°C (default:15°C)▪ [0-01]: Desired leaving watertemperature when the outdoortemperature equals or drops belowthe low ambient temperature.[9‑05]°C~[9‑06]°C (default: 45°C).Note: This value should be higherthan [0-00] as for low outdoortemperatures warmer water isrequired.▪ [0-00]: Desired leaving watertemperature when the outdoortemperature equals or rises abovethe high ambient temperature.[9‑05]°C~min(45, [9‑06])°C (default:35°C).Note: This value should be lowerthan [0-01] as for high outdoortemperatures less warm water isrequired.# Code Description[] [0-04][0-05][0-06][0-07]Set weather-dependent cooling:[0-04][0-05]TaTt[0-07] [0-06]▪ Tt: Target leaving water temperature(additional)▪ Ta: Outdoor temperaturecontinued >># Code Description[] [0-04][0-05][0-06][0-07]<< continuation▪ [0-07]: Low outdoor ambienttemperature. 10°C~25°C (default:20°C)▪ [0-06]: High outdoor ambienttemperature. 25°C~43°C (default:35°C)▪ [0-05]: Desired leaving watertemperature when the outdoortemperature equals or drops belowthe low ambient temperature.[9‑07]°C~[9‑08]°C (default: 12°C).Note: This value should be higherthan [0‑04] as for low outdoortemperatures less cold watersuffices.▪ [0-04]: Desired leaving watertemperature when the outdoortemperature equals or rises abovethe high ambient temperature.[9‑07]°C~[9‑08]°C (default: 8°C).Note: This value should be lowerthan [0‑05] as for high outdoortemperatures colder water isrequired.Leaving water temperature: Delta T sourceTemperature difference for entering and leaving water. The unit isdesigned to support under floor loops operation. The recommendedleaving water temperature (set by the user interface) for under floorloops is 35°C. In such case, the unit will be controlled to realize atemperature difference of 5°C which means that the entering waterto the unit is around 30°C. Depending on the installed application(radiators, heat pump convector, under floor loops) or situation, itcan be possible to change the difference between entering andleaving water temperature. Note that the pump will regulate its flowto keep the Δt.# Code Description[A.] [9-09] Heating: required temperaturedifference between entering andleaving water. Range: 3°C~10°C (insteps of 1°C; default value: 5°C).[A.] [9-0A] Cooling: required temperaturedifference between entering andleaving water. Range: 3°C~10°C (insteps of 1°C; default value: 5°C).Leaving water temperature: ModulationOnly applicable in case of room thermostat control. When using theroom thermostat functionality, the customer needs to set the desiredroom temperature. The unit will supply hot water to the heat emittersand the room will be heated. Additionally, also the desired leavingwater temperature must be configured: when turning on themodulation, the desired leaving water temperature will be calculatedautomatically by the unit (based on the preset temperatures, ifweather-dependent is selected, modulation will be done based onthe desired weather-dependent temperatures); when turning off themodulation, you can set the desired leaving water temperature onthe user interface. Moreover, with the modulation turned on, thedesired leaving water temperature is lowered or raised in function ofthe desired room temperature and the difference between the actualand the desired room temperature. This results in:▪ stable room temperatures exactly matching the desiredtemperature (higher comfort level)▪ less On/OFF cycles (lower noise level, higher comfort and higherefficiency)