8 ConfigurationInstaller reference guide63ERLQ004~008CA + EHBH/X04+08CBDaikin Altherma – Low temperature split4P384972-1B – 2017.04Booster heater and heat pump operation# Code DescriptionN/A [4-03] Defines the operation permission of thebooster heater depending on ambient,domestic hot water temperature oroperation mode of heat pump. Thissetting is only applicable in reheat modefor applications with separate domestichot water tank.▪ 0: Booster heater operation is NOTallowed except for "Disinfectionfunction" and "Powerful domesticwater heating".Only use this in case the capacity ofthe heat pump can cover the heatingrequirements of the house anddomestic hot water over the completeheating season.If the outdoor temperature is belowsetting [5-03] and [5-02]=1, thedomestic hot water will not be heated.The domestic hot water temperaturecan be maximum the heat pump OFFtemperature.▪ 1: Booster heater operation is allowedwhen required.▪ 2: The booster heater is allowedoutside the operation range of the heatpump for domestic hot wateroperation.Booster heater operation is onlyallowed if:▪ Ambient temperature is out of theoperating range: Ta<[5-03] orTa>35°C▪ Domestic hot water temperature is2°C lower than the heat pump OFFtemperature.continued >># Code DescriptionN/A [4-03] << continuationThe booster heater will be allowed tooperate when Ta<[5-03] depends of thestatus of [5-02].If bivalent operation is enabled andpermission signal for auxiliary boiler isON, the booster heater will be restrictedeven when Ta<[5-03]. See [C-02].▪ 3 (default): The booster heater isallowed when the heat pump is NOTactive in domestic hot water operation.Same as setting 1, but simultaneousheat pump domestic hot wateroperation and booster heateroperation is not allowed.▪ 4: Booster heater operation is NOTallowed except for "Disinfectionfunction".Only use this in case the capacity ofthe heat pump can cover the heatingrequirements of the house anddomestic hot water over the completeheating season.If the outdoor temperature is belowsetting [5-03] and [5-02]=1, thedomestic hot water will not be heated.The domestic hot water temperaturecan be maximum the heat pump OFFtemperature.When setting [4-03]=1/2/3/4, the boosterheater operation can still be restricted bythe booster heater allowance schedule.N/A [7-00] Overshoot temperature. Temperaturedifference above the domestic hot waterset point temperature before the boosterheater is turned OFF. The domestic hotwater tank temperature will increase with[7-00] above selected temperatureset point.Range: 0°C~4°C (default: 0°C)N/A [7-01] Hysteresis. Temperature differencebetween booster heater ON and boosterheater OFF temperature. The minimumhysteresis temperature is 2°C.Range: 2°C~40°C (default: 2°C)N/A [6-00] The temperature difference determiningthe heat pump ON temperature.Range: 2°C~20°C (default: 2°C)N/A [6-01] The temperature difference determiningthe heat pump OFF temperature.Range: 0°C~10°C (default: 2°C)Example: setpoint (TU)>maximum heat pump temperature–[6‑01](THP MAX–[6‑01])