8 ConfigurationInstaller reference guide69ERLQ004~008CA + EHBH/X04+08CBDaikin Altherma – Low temperature split4P384972-1B – 2017.04# Code DescriptionN/A [5‑02] Space heating priority.Defines whether backup heater willassist the heat pump during domestichot water operation.Consequence: Shorter tank heatingoperation time and shorter interruptionof the space heating cycle.This setting MUST always be 1.[5‑01] Equilibrium temperature and[5‑03] Space heating prioritytemperature are related to backupheater. So, you must set [5‑03] equal ora few degrees higher than [5‑01].If the backup heater operation is limited([4‑00]=0) and the outdoor temperatureis lower than setting [5‑03], thedomestic hot water will not be heatedwith the backup heater.N/A [5‑03] Space heating priority temperature.Defines the outdoor temperature whichbelow the backup heater will assistduring domestic hot water heating.N/A [C‑00] If a solar kit is installed, what haspriority to heat up the tank?▪ 0: Solar kit▪ 1: Heat pumpAuto-restartWhen power returns after a power supply failure, the auto restartfunction reapplies the remote controller settings at the time of thepower failure. Therefore, it is recommended to always enable thefunction.If the preferential kWh rate power supply is of the type that powersupply is interrupted, always enable the auto restart function.Continuous indoor unit control can be guaranteed independent of thepreferential kWh rate power supply status, by connecting the indoorunit to a normal kWh rate power supply.# Code Description[A.6.1] [3‑00] Is the auto restart function of the unitallowed?▪ 0: No▪ 1 (default): YesPreferential kWh rate power supplyINFORMATIONThe preferential kWh rate power supply contact isconnected to the same terminals (X5M/3+4) as the safetythermostat. It is only possible for the system to haveEITHER preferential kWh rate power supply OR a safetythermostat.# Code Description[A.2.1.6] [D‑01] Connection to a preferential kWh ratepower supply:▪ 0 (default): The outdoor unit isconnected to a normal power supply.▪ 1: The outdoor unit is connected to apreferential kWh rate power supply.When the preferential kWh rate signalis sent by the electricity company, thecontact will open and the unit will go inforced off mode. When the signal isreleased again, the voltage-freecontact will close and the unit willrestart operation. Therefore, alwaysenable the auto restart function.▪ 2: The outdoor unit is connected to apreferential kWh rate power supply.When the preferential kWh rate signalis sent by the electricity company, thecontact will close and the unit will go inforced off mode. When the signal isreleased again, the voltage-freecontact will open and the unit willrestart operation. Therefore, alwaysenable the auto restart function.Remark: 3 is related to safetythermostat.[A.6.2.1] [D‑00] Which heaters are allowed to operateduring preferential kWh rate powersupply?▪ 0 (default): None▪ 1: N/A▪ 2: Backup heater only▪ 3: N/ASee table below.Setting 2 is only meaningful if thepreferential kWh rate power supply is oftype 1 or indoor unit is connected to anormal kWh rate power supply (viaX2M/30-31) and the backup heater isNOT connected to the preferential kWhrate power supply.Only for EHBH/X + EKHW:[D‑00] Booster heater Backup heater Compressor0 (default) Forced OFF Forced OFF Forced OFF1 Permitted2 Forced OFF Permitted3 PermittedOnly for EHVH/X: Do NOT use 1 or 3.[D‑00] Backup heater Compressor0 (default) Forced OFF Forced OFF2 Allowed