Outdoor Unit: 09/12 Class SiUS041111190 Removal Procedure3.6 Removal of CompressorProcedure Warning Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power suppliesbefore disassembling work.Step Procedure Points1 Remove the four-wayvalve, the terminalcover and disconnectthe terminals of thecompressor so as not toburn them.WarningBe careful not to burn yourselfwith the pipes and other partsthat are heated by the gasbrazing machine.WarningIf the refrigerant gas leaks duringwork, ventilate the room. If therefrigerant gas is exposed toflames, toxic gas may begenerated.WarningSince it may happen that therefrigerant oil in the compressorcatches fire, prepare a wet clothso as to extinguish fireimmediately.CautionFor environment protection, donot discharge the refrigerant gasin the atmosphere. Make sure tocollect all the refrigerant gas.Cautions for restoration1. Restore the piping by non-oxidation brazing.2. It is required to prevent thecarbonization of the oil insidethe four-way valve and thedeterioration of the gasketsaffected by heat. Keep below120°C (248°F) by wrapping thefour-way valve with a wet clothand provide water so that thecloth does not dry.In case of difficulty with gasbrazing machine1. Disconnect the brazed partwhere is easy to disconnect andrestore.2. Cut pipes on the main unit witha tube cutter in order to make iteasy to disconnect.2 Remove the 3 nuts ofthe compressor. Before working, makesure that the refrigerantgas is empty in the circuit. Be sure to apply nitrogenreplacement when heatingup the brazed part.3 Heat up the brazed partof the discharge sideand disconnect.4 Heat up the brazed partof the suction side anddisconnect.5 Lift the compressor upand remove it.Note: Do not use a metal saw forcutting pipes to preventsawdust from entering thecircuit. When withdrawing thepipes, be careful not topinch them firmly withpliers. The pipes may getdeformed. Provide a protective sheetor a steel plate so that thebrazing flame cannotinfluence peripheries. Be careful so as not toburn the compressorterminals, the name plate,the heat exchanger fin.(R11805)Discharge side(R11806)Suction side(R11807)(R11808)Compressor