AK-LM 340 RS8GV202 © Danfoss 2016-06 57Configuration - continuedDifference thermostat1. Go to Configuration menu2. Select Difference thermostat3. Difference thermostat3 - Difference thermostatThe general differential thermostats can be used forfunctions with relay outputs.The function can be connected to alarm limits andalarm texts.For each differential thermostat, the following mustbe set/read:• Name• Which of the sensors is connected astemperature 1• Which of the sensors is connected astemperature 2(the difference is calculated as temperature1 minus temperature 2)• Ext. Stop input selectWhen a signal is received, the regulation isstopped and all alarms from the function areomitted• Cut in temp.In the event of a low temperature difference, therelay cuts in, but only once the measurement hasremained low for the entire delay period• Cut out temp.In the event of a high temperature difference,the relay cuts out again, but only once the meas-urement has remained high for the entire delayperiod• Cut in delay• Cut out delay• High alarm limitHigh alarm limit• Alarm delay highTime delay for high alarm• Alarm text highIndicate alarm text for the high alarm• Low alarm limitLow alarm limit• Alarm delay lowTime delay for low alarm• Alarm text lowIndicate alarm text for low alarmIn our example we use the settings shown.