NOTICEDisable the automatic bypass function of the bypass if:• The frequency converter is equipped with aconstant-speed bypass with an automaticbypass function starting the bypass if thefrequency converter experiences a persistentalarm condition, and• [3] Alarm is selected as the no-flow function.22-24 No-Flow DelayRange: Function:10 s* [1 - 600 s] Set the time that low power/low speed muststay detected to activate signal for actions. Ifdetection disappears before the timer runsout, the timer is reset.22-26 Dry Pump FunctionSelect desired action for dry pump operation.Option: Function:[0] * Off[1] Warning The frequency converter continues to run,but activates a dry pump warning [W93]. Afrequency converter digital output or a serialcommunication bus can communicate awarning to other equipment.[2] Alarm The frequency converter stops running andactivates a dry pump alarm [A93]. Afrequency converter digital output or a serialcommunication bus can communicate analarm to other equipment.[3] Man. ResetAlarmThe frequency converter stops running andactivates a dry pump alarm [A93]. Afrequency converter digital output or a serialcommunication bus can communicate analarm to other equipment.NOTICETo use dry pump detection:1. Enable low-power detection inparameter 22-21 Low Power Detection.2. Commission low-power detection using eitherparameter group 22-3* No-flow Power Tuning NoFlow Power Tuning, or 22-20 Low Power Auto Set-up.NOTICEDo not set 14-20 Reset Mode to [13] Infinite auto reset,when parameter 22-26 Dry Pump Function is set to [2]Alarm. Doing so causes the frequency converter tocontinuously cycle between running and stopping whena dry pump condition is detected.NOTICEFor frequency converters with constant-speedbypassIf an automatic bypass function starts the bypass atpersistent alarm conditions, disable the bypass’sautomatic bypass function, if [2] Alarm or [3] Man. ResetAlarm is selected as the dry-pump function.22-40 Minimum Run TimeRange: Function:10 s* [0 - 600 s] Set the desired minimum running time forthe motor after a start command (digitalinput or bus) before entering sleep mode.22-41 Minimum Sleep TimeRange: Function:10 s* [0 - 600 s] Set the desired minimum time for staying insleep mode. This setting overrides any wake-up conditions.22-42 Wake-up Speed [RPM]Range: Function:Sizerelated*[ par.4-11 -par. 4-13RPM]To be used if 0-02 Motor Speed Unit hasbeen set for RPM (parameter not visible ifHz is selected). Only to be used ifparameter 1-00 Configuration Mode is set foropen loop and an external controllerapplies speed reference.Set the reference speed at which the sleepmode should be cancelled.22-60 Broken Belt FunctionSelects the action to be performed if the broken-belt condition isdetectedOption: Function:[0] * Off[1] Warning The frequency converter continues to run, butactivates a broken-belt warning [W95]. Afrequency converter digital output or a serialcommunication bus can communicate a warningto other equipment.[2] Trip The frequency converter stops running andactivates a broken-belt alarm [A 95]. A frequencyconverter digital output or a serial communi-cation bus can communicate an alarm to otherequipment.NOTICEDo not set 14-20 Reset Mode, to [13] Infinite auto reset,when parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function is set to [2]Trip. Doing so causes the frequency converter to contin-uously cycle between running and stopping when abroken-belt condition is detected.How to Programme Operating Instructions98 Danfoss A/S © 08/2014 All rights reserved. MG11F50266