3-15 Reference 1 SourceOption: Function:[20] Digital pot.meter[21] Analog input X30/11[22] Analog input X30/12[23] Analog Input X42/1[24] Analog Input X42/3[25] Analog Input X42/5[29] Analog Input X48/2[30] Ext. Closed Loop 1[31] Ext. Closed Loop 2[32] Ext. Closed Loop 33-16 Reference 2 SourceOption: Function:NOTICEThis parameter cannot beadjusted while the motor isrunning.Select the reference input to beused for the second referencesignal. Parameter 3-15 Reference 1Source, parameter 3-16 Reference 2Source and 3-17 Reference 3 Sourcedefine up to 3 different referencesignals. The sum of these referencesignals defines the actual reference.[0] No function[1] Analog Input 53[2] Analog Input 54[7] Pulse input 29[8] Pulse input 33[20] * Digital pot.meter[21] Analog input X30/11[22] Analog input X30/12[23] Analog Input X42/1[24] Analog Input X42/3[25] Analog Input X42/5[29] Analog Input X48/2[30] Ext. Closed Loop 1[31] Ext. Closed Loop 2[32] Ext. Closed Loop 34-10 Motor Speed DirectionOption: Function:Selects the motor speed direction required.Use this parameter to prevent unwantedreversing.[0] Clockwise Only operation in clockwise direction isallowed.[2] * Both directions Operation in both clockwise and counter-clockwise direction is allowed.NOTICEThe setting in parameter 4-10 Motor Speed Direction hasimpact on the flying start in parameter 1-73 Flying Start.4-53 Warning Speed HighRange: Function:Sizerelated*[ par.4-52 -par.4-13RPM]NOTICEAny changes in parameter 4-13 MotorSpeed High Limit [RPM] reset the valuein parameter 4-53 Warning Speed Highto the value in parameter 4-13 MotorSpeed High Limit [RPM].If a different value is needed inparameter 4-53 Warning Speed High, itmust be set after programmingparameter 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit[RPM]Enter the nHIGH value. When the motor speedexceeds this limit (nHIGH), the display readsSPEED HIGH. The signal outputs can beprogrammed to produce a status signal onterminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or02. Programme the upper signal limit of themotor speed, nHIGH, within the normalworking range of the frequency converter.4-56 Warning Feedback LowRange: Function:-999999.999ProcessCtrlUnit*[ -999999.999 -par. 4-57ProcessCtrlUnit]Enter the lower feedbacklimit. When the feedbackdrops below this limit, thedisplay reads FeedbLow.The signal outputs can beprogrammed to produce astatus signal on terminal27 or 29 and on relayoutput 01 or 02.4-57 Warning Feedback HighRange: Function:999999.999ProcessCtrlUnit*[ par. 4-56 -999999.999ProcessCtrlUnit]Enter the upper feedbacklimit. When the feedbackexceeds this limit, thedisplay reads FeedbHigh.The signal outputs can beprogrammed to produce astatus signal on terminal27 or 29 and on relayoutput 01 or 02.How to Programme Operating Instructions86 Danfoss A/S © 08/2014 All rights reserved. MG11F50266