SN502-4CH 42File ListThis DVR allows you to view the file list for each day that you have recorded footage. The file list allows you to seewhat type of recording it was (normal, alarm/motion detection), the date and time the footage was recorded, the sizeof the footage and also the option to backup particular recorded events.To access the file list:1. Access the search option and select the date input area. A keyboard will appear to input the date you would like tosee the recorded footage from.2. Once the proper date has been entered, highlight and select search to open up the available times for that date.The days and times that have recorded footage stored on them are highlighted red or green. Make sure there aredays that have recorded footage on them.3. Select the date you wish to view the file list from.4. Select the file list button and a separate menu will appear with a list of all the recordings from that day.5. If you would like to filter out the types of recordings on this list, select what type of recording you would like tosee from the drop down list next to the word “TYPE”. You can view alarm, normal or all.6. The list displays the following information (from left to right.)• CH: The channel with recorded footage• TIME: The time range that the footage was recorded• SIZE: The size of the file – the larger the file the longer the footage• TYPE: The type of footage that was recorded (Alarm or Normal)• BAK: Allows you select video clips to backup onto a USB flash drive7. The buttons along the side of the list, when highlighted and selected do the following:• FIRST: Brings you to the beginning of the list (oldest footage first)• PREV: Brings you back a page if not already on the first page• NEXT: Brings you forward a page• LAST: Brings you to the last page of recorded footage (newest footage is last)• ALL: Selects all footage on the page to be backed up• REVERSE: Inverses the selected and non selected footage• BACKUP: Prompts back up of the selected clips. For more information on backup see “Backup” (Pg. 26)• Exit: Exits the file list menuFile List MenuPLAYBACK