44 Solving Problemsw w w . j p . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . j p . d e l l . c o m Other technical problemsGeneral hardware problemsIf your computer exhibits one or more of the following symptoms, a deviceconflict may exist:• Your computer locks up, particularly while using a specific device.• A recently added device does not work.• A sound card emits noise or demonstrates other problems.• Unintelligible characters print from the printer.• The mouse pointer does not move or "stutters" when it moves.• Messages appear stating that the computer is not operating atmaximum performance.• Errors occur and programs crash for no apparent reason.• Nothing displays on the monitor.G O T O T H E D E L L S U P P O R T W E B S I T E — Go to support.dell.com for helpwith general usage, installation, and troubleshooting questions.The supportwebsite offers several different tools to help you, such as Dell Forum—a chatroom where you can communicate with other Dell customers about theircomputers and gain access to technical support through e-mail. See "DellSupport website" on page 14 for more information about the website. See theService and Support Guide that came with your computer for a description of thehardware and software support provided by Dell.C A L L D E L L — If you cannot solve your problem using the Dell Supportwebsite or e-mail service, call Dell for technical assistance (see psge 93). See theService and Support Guide that came with your computer for a description of thehardware and software support provided by Dell.R E M O V E A N Y R E C E N T L Y A D D E D H A R D W A R E T O S E E I F I T R E S O L V E ST H E C O N F L I C T — If removing the hardware resolves the conflict, see thehardware documentation for configuration and troubleshooting instructions. Ifthe problem persists, contact the hardware manufacturer for technical assistance.