Solving Problems 35Problems writing to a CD/DVD-RW driveHard drive problemsE-Mail, Modem, and Internet ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions located in theProduct Information Guide.NOTE: Connect the modem to an analog telephone jack only. The modem does not operate while it is connected toa digital telephone network.CL O S E O T H E R P R O G R A M S — The CD/DVD-RW drive must receive a steady stream of data during thewriting process. If the stream is interrupted, an error occurs. Try closing all programs before you write tothe CD/DVD-RW.TU R N O F F S T A N D B Y M O D E I N WI N D O W S B E F O R E W R I T I N G T O A CD/DVD-RW D I S C — See "PowerManagement" on page 28 or search for the keyword standby in Windows Help and Support Center forinformation on power management modes.RU N CH E C K DI S K —1 Click Start, then click My Computer.2 Right-click Local Disk C:.3 Click Properties.4 Click the Tools tab.5 Under Error-checking, click Check Now.6 Click Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.7 Click Start.CH E C K T H E MI C R O S O F T OU T L O O K ® EX P R E S S SE C U R I T Y S E T T I N G S — If you cannot open youre-mail attachments:1 In Outlook Express, click Tools, click Options, and then click Security.2 Click Do not allow attachments to remove the checkmark, as Page 35 Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:32 PM