Using Integrated Devices 4-3Configuring the NICThis subsection provides instructions for configuring thecomputer’s integrated 10/100-Mbps 3Com NIC under thefollowing operating systems:• Microsoft Windows NT 4.0• Windows NT 3.5x• Microsoft Windows for Workgroups• Microsoft Windows 95NOTE: The NIC drivers for systems running aDell-installed Windows 95 operating system areautomatically detected and installed. Instructions forreinstalling the NIC driver for Windows 95 ServiceRelease 1 and Service Release 2 are also included inthis subsection.• MS-DOSWindows NT 4.0 NICTo connect your system to and configure it for use on anEthernet network, you must complete the followingsteps:1. Connect the network cable to the back of yourcomputer.See “Network Cable Requirements” found earlier inthis chapter for detailed instructions.2. Verify that the NIC is enabled in the SystemSetup program.See Chapter 2, “Using the System Setup Program,”for more information.3. Start the Windows NT operating system, and login as user Administrator or as a user with Admin-istrator privileges.For information on administrative users and privi-leges, see your Windows NT documentation.4. If you do not have a CD-ROM drive, use the DellDiskMaker program (located in the Dell Accesso-ries folder) to make a diskette copy of the NICdrivers installed on your hard-disk drive.5. Double-click My Computer, double-click ControlPanel, and then double-click the Network icon.NOTE: If you are installing networking on your sys-tem for the first time, the Windows NT operatingsystem displays a message asking if you want toinstall networking. Click Yes, and refer to your Win-dows NT documentation for instructions.6. Click the Adapters tab in the Network ControlPanel, and then click Add to access the Select Net-work Adapter window.7. Click Have Disk.If you have a CD-ROM drive, insert theWindows NT 4.0 CD into the CD-ROM drive,specify the \drvlib\netcard\x86\3c90x or\i386\drvlib.nic\3c90x directory on the CD, andthen click OK.If you do not have a CD-ROM drive, insert the NICdriver diskette 1 into drive A, type a:\, and thenclick OK.The Select OEM Option dialog box appears.8. Select 3Com Fast EtherLink XL NIC (3C905) forthe 10/100 Mbps NIC, and then click OK.9. Click Close in the Windows Welcome screen, andthen click Close again in the Network window.10. If you are prompted, enter information aboutyour specific network.See your system administrator for information.11. Click Yes in the Network Settings Change win-dow to restart your system.Windows NT 3.5xNICTo connect your system to and configure it for use on anEthernet network, you must complete the followingsteps:1. Connect the network cable to the back of yourcomputer.See “Network Cable Requirements” found earlier inthis chapter for detailed instructions.