Telnet Server Commands 159581Telnet Server CommandsThe Telnet protocol (outlined in RFC 854) allows users (clients) to connectto multiuser computers (servers) on the network. Telnet is often employedwhen a user communicates with a remote login service.Telnet is the terminal emulation protocol in the TCP/IP suite. Telnet usesTCP as the transport protocol to initiate a connection between server andclient. After connecting, the telnet server and client enter a period of optionnegotiation that determines the options each side is capable of supporting forthe connection. The connected systems can negotiate new options orrenegotiate old options at any time. In general, each end of the Telnetconnection attempts to implement all options that maximize performancefor the systems involved.When a Telnet connection is initiated, each side of the connection isassumed to originate and terminate at a Network Virtual Terminal, or NVT.Therefore, the server and user hosts do not maintain information about thecharacteristics of each other's terminals and terminal-handling conventions.Commands in this ChapterThis chapter explains the following commands:ip telnet server disableThe ip telnet server disable command is used to enable/disable the Telnetservice on the switch.Syntaxip telnet server disableno ip telnet server disableip telnet server disable show ip telnetip telnet port