144 Using the System Setup Program and UEFI Boot ManagerIntegrated Devices ScreenBoot Sequence If Boot Mode is set to BIOS, this field tells the systemwhere the operating system files needed for startup arelocated. If Boot Mode is set to UEFI, you can access theUEFI boot manager utility by rebooting the system andpressing F11 when prompted to do so.Hard-Disk DriveSequenceDetermines the order in which the BIOS attempts toboot from hard drives in the system during systemstartup.USB Flash DriveEmulation Type(Auto default)Determines the emulation type for a USB flash drive.Hard disk allows the USB flash drive to act as a harddrive. Floppy allows the USB flash drive to act as aremovable diskette drive. Auto automatically chooses anemulation type.Boot Sequence Retry(Disabled default)If this field is enabled and the system has failed to boot,the system reattempts to boot after 30 seconds.Option DescriptionIntegrated SASControllerorIntegrated RAIDcontroller(Enabled default.)Enables the integrated SAS or RAID controller.User Accessible USBPorts(All Ports On default)Enables or disables the system's USB ports. Options are AllPorts On or All Ports Off.Internal USB Port(PowerEdge M915,M910, M710, M710HD,M610, and M610x)Enables or disables the system’s internal USB port.Option Description