can be one of:--show Displays the current list of containers.--add Adds a new container.--delete Deletes an existing container.--marker Enables/Disables marker for an existing container.--delete_files Deletes the files in the container.For command-specific help, please type container --help For example:container --help showReplicationThis DR Series system CLI command and its options allow you to manage the status of all current replicationrelationships and tasks on a system by:NOTE: To allow DR Series system replication operations, you must ensure that TCP ports 9904, 9911, 9915, and 9916are enabled. For more information about supported ports for the DR Series system, see theDell DR Series SystemAdministrator Guide.• Displaying the current replication process status information• Creating and defining new replication links or relationships to containers• Deleting specific replication links• Starting and stopping the replication process between source and target containers• Limiting the bandwidth consumed during replication• Resynchronizing replication between source and target containers• Troubleshooting replication connection issuesNOTE: For more information about setting a Replication schedule for daily and weekly replication operations, seeschedule --add --day [--start_time ] [-- stop_time ] [--cleaner] [--replication].Replication Command UsageThis topic introduces the replication command usage:• replication --show [options]• replication --add --name --role --peer [options]• replication --update --name --role --peer [options]• replication --delete --name --role [options]• replication --start --name --role [options]• replication --stop --name --role [options]• replication --limit --speed --target [options]• replication --resync --name --role [options]• replication --troubleshoot --peer• replication --helpNOTE: If you specify a command without supplying the expected value or option, you will be prompted to providethe correct value or option.109