OSTThis topic introduces the set of OpenStorage Technology-related DR Series system CLI commands that enable you toperform the following tasks:• Display command-specific information• Update the OST user password• Delete the OST client• Update the attributes of the OST client• Limit the bandwidth consumed by OSTOST Command UsageThis topic introduces the ost command usage:• ost --show [options]• ost --setpassword• ost --delete_client [options]• ost --update_client [options]• ost --limit --speed --target [options]• ost --helpNOTE: If you specify a command without supplying the expected value or option, you will be prompted to providethe correct value or option.ost --show [--config] [--file_history] [--name ] [--clients]DescriptionDisplays the current OpenStorage Technology (OST) configuration information for a DR Series system.Syntaxost --show --configResultOST Login Entry User : backup_userNOTE: To display other types of OST configuration information, simply substitute the --file_history, --name ,or --clients options in the DR Series system CLI command.Other ExamplesDisplays the last 10 replicated files that were processed via the DMA optimized duplication process for an OSTcontainer (in this example, the container is ost-99.)ost --show --file_history --name ost-99Data replication history:File /1339632000/ddt_unique_2_thr7Target IP ID 6Savings 13.46%Bytes 1248576047