NOTE: If an OST client has four or more CPUs, it is considered to be dedupe-capable. However, the OST clientoperating mode depends upon how it is configured in the DR Series system (Dedupe is the default OST clientmode). If the administrator did not configure an OST client to operate in a specific mode and it is dedupe-capable,it will run in the Dedupe mode. If an OST client is not dedupe-capable (meaning the OST client has less than fourCPUs), and the administrator sets it to run in the Dedupe mode, it will only run in the Passthrough mode. If an OSTclient is set to run in Auto mode, the OST client will run in the mode setting determined by the media server. Thefollowing table shows the relationship between the configured OST client mode types and the supported clientmode based on client architecture type and corresponding number of CPUs.Table 2. Supported OST Client Modes and SettingsOST Client ModeSettings32–Bit OST Client (4 ormore CPUs)64–Bit Client (4 ormore CPUs)32–Bit OST Client(Less than 4 CPUs)64–Bit OST Client(Less than 4 CPUs)Auto Passthrough Dedupe Passthrough PassthroughDedupe Not Supported Supported Not Supported Not SupportedPassthrough Supported Supported Supported SupportedSyntaxost --update_client --name acme-81 --mode dedupeNOTE: You may be able to force writes for OST clients running in the Passthrough mode using the DR Seriessystem CLI mode --dedupe command. The change in OST client mode is effective on the next backup operationwhen you are using the Symantec NetBackup (or if you are using the Symantec Backup Exec, you will need torestart this service for it to recognize that a new mode has been configured).ResultOST client updated successfully.ost --limit --speed < --target DescriptionLimits the bandwidth consumed by OST (OpenStorage Technology) for a system you define by IP address or hostname(--target), by which you define the speed in kilobytes/second (KBps), megabytes/second (MBps), gigabytes/second(GBps), or an unlimited bandwidth (default).Syntaxost --limit --speed 10mbps --target acmesys-49ResultSuccessfully updated bandwidth limit for acmesys-49 to 10 MBps.Changing traffic control policies ... done.ost --helpDescriptionDisplays the list of OpenStorage Technology (OST) ost-related options that can be used as a reference when using theDR Series system CLI.50