34 Troubleshootingcomputer, reinstall the hard drive, and restart the computer. If the problempersists, try another drive. Run the Hard Disk Drive tests in the DellDiagnostics (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 39).IN S E R T B O O T A B L E M E D I A — The operating system is trying to boot tononbootable media, such as a floppy disk or CD. Insert bootable media.IN V A L I D C O N F I G U R A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N -P L E A S E R U N SYS T E M SE T U PPR O G R A M — The system configuration information does not match thehardware configuration. The message is most likely to occur after a memorymodule is installed. Correct the appropriate options in the system setupprogram. See your Service Manual at support.dell.com for more information.KE Y B O A R D C L O C K L I N E F A I L U R E — For external keyboards, check the cableconnection. Run the Keyboard Controller test in the Dell Diagnostics (see"Dell Diagnostics" on page 39).KE Y B O A R D C O N T R O L L E R F A I L U R E — For external keyboards, check the cableconnection. Restart the computer, and avoid touching the keyboard or themouse during the boot routine. Run the Keyboard Controller test in the DellDiagnostics (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 39).KE Y B O A R D D A T A L I N E F A I L U R E — For external keyboards, check the cableconnection. Run the Keyboard Controller test in the Dell Diagnostics (see"Dell Diagnostics" on page 39).KE Y B O A R D S T U C K K E Y F A I L U R E — For external keyboards or keypads, check thecable connection. Restart the computer, and avoid touching the keyboard orkeys during the boot routine. Run the Stuck Key test in the Dell Diagnostics(see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 39).LI C E N S E D C O N T E N T I S N O T A C C E S S I B L E I N ME D I A DI R E C T — Dell MediaDirect™cannot verify the Digital Rights Management (DRM) restrictions on the file,so the file cannot be played (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 39).ME M O R Y A D D R E S S L I N E F A I L U R E A T A D D R E S S , R E A D V A L U E E X P E C T I N G V A L U E —A memory module may be faulty or improperly seated. Reinstall the memorymodules and, if necessary, replace them. See your Service Manual atsupport.dell.com for more information.ME M O R Y A L L O C A T I O N E R R O R — The software you are attempting to run isconflicting with the operating system, another program, or a utility. Shutdown the computer, wait 30 seconds, and then restart it. Try to run theprogram again. If the error message still appears, see the softwaredocumentation.