9-10 Dell Precision 210 Desktop Systems User’s Guide,QVWDOOLQJDQ(,'(+DUG'LVN'ULYHThis section includes information on installing, partitioning, and formatting EIDE hard-disk drives. Up to two 1-inch hard-disk drives or one 1-inch and one 1.6-inch hard-diskdrive can be installed vertically in the internal hard-disk drive cage that is next to theexternally accessible 5.25-inch drive bays.(,'('ULYH$GGUHVVLQJAll EIDE devices should be configured for the cable select jumper position, whichassigns master and slave status to devices by their position on the EIDE cable. Whentwo EIDE devices are connected to a single EIDE cable and are configured for thecable select jumper position, the device attached to the last connector on the inter-face cable is the master or boot device (drive 0) and the device attached to the middleconnector on the interface cable is the slave device (drive 1). Refer to the drive docu-mentation in your upgrade kit for information on setting devices to the cable selectjumper position.With the two EIDE interface connectors on the system board, your system can sup-port up to four EIDE devices. EIDE hard-disk drives should be connected to the EIDEinterface connector labeled “IDE1.” (EIDE drives and CD-ROM drives should be con-nected to the EIDE interface connector labeled “IDE2.”),QVWDOOLQJDQ(,'(+DUG'LVN'ULYHLQWKH+DUG'LVN'ULYH%UDFNHWInstall an EIDE hard-disk drive in the hard-disk drive bracket as follows:1. If you are replacing a hard-disk drive that contains data you want to keep, be sureto make a backup of your files before you continue with this procedure.2. Prepare the drive for installation.&$87,21 *URXQG \RXUVHOI E\ WRXFKLQJ DQ XQSDLQWHG PHWDO VXUIDFH RQWKH EDFN RI WKH FRPSXWHU&$87,21 :KHQ \RX XQSDFN WKH GULYH GR QRW VHW LW RQ D KDUG VXUIDFHZKLFK PD\ GDPDJH WKH GULYH ,QVWHDG VHW WKH GULYH RQ D VXUIDFH VXFKDV D IRDP SDG WKDW ZLOO VXIILFLHQWO\ FXVKLRQ LWCheck the documentation that accompanied the drive to verify that it is config-ured for your computer system.3. Remove the drive bracket from the chassis.If any hard-disk drives are already installed in the bracket, disconnect the DCpower cable and interface cable from each drive.Remove the screw holding the drive bracket to the drive bay. Lift up on the drivebracket to disengage it from the latch on the drive bay and the three hooks on thefront of the chassis (see Figure 9-9). Remove the bracket.