Warranty, Return Policy, and Year 2000 Statement of Compliance F-1$ 3 3 ( 1 ' , ; ):DUUDQW\5HWXUQ3ROLF\DQG6WDWHPHQWRI&RPSOLDQFH/LPLWHG7KUHH&DQDGD2QO\Dell Computer Corporation (“Dell”) manufactures its hardware products from partsand components that are new or equivalent to new in accordance with industry-standard practices. Dell warrants that the hardware products it manufactures will befree from defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty term is three yearsbeginning on the date of invoice, as described in the following text.Damage due to shipping the products to you is covered under this warranty. Other-wise, this warranty does not cover damage due to external causes, includingaccident, abuse, misuse, problems with electrical power, servicing not authorized byDell, usage not in accordance with product instructions, failure to perform requiredpreventive maintenance, and problems caused by use of parts and components notsupplied by Dell.This warranty does not cover any items that are in one or more of the following cate-gories: software; external devices (except as specifically noted); accessories or partsadded to a Dell system after the system is shipped from Dell; accessories or partsadded to a Dell system through Dell’s system integration department; accessories orparts that are not installed in the Dell factory; or DellWare ® products. Monitors, key-boards, and mice that are Dell-branded or that are included on Dell’s standard price listare covered under this warranty; all other monitors, keyboards, and mice (includingthose sold through the DellWare program) are not covered. Batteries for portablecomputers are covered only during the initial one-year period of this warranty.&RYHUDJH'XULQJDuring the one-year period beginning on the invoice date, Dell will repair or replaceproducts covered under this limited warranty that are returned to Dell’s facility. Torequest warranty service, you must call Dell’s Customer Technical Support within thewarranty period. Refer to the chapter titled “Getting Help” in your system’s trouble-shooting documentation or, for some systems, the section titled “Contacting Dell: inyour system’s online guide to find the appropriate telephone number for obtainingcustomer assistance. If warranty service is required, Dell will issue a Return Material