Using the ISA Configuration Utility 4-75. If you want the ICU to select the resources for the card, click OK. Otherwise,skip to step 6.The ICU uses the default resources set by the card manufacturer whenever pos-sible. If the ICU cannot find a resource that is valid for the card and available inthe system, the utility generates an error message. See Appendix C, “ISA Con-figuration Utility Messages,” for an explanation of the message and a possiblesolution to the conflict.If you are satisfied with the default resources assigned to the card, you can skipthe remainder of this procedure.6. To select the resources yourself, click Advanced.The Card Configuration dialog box (see Figure 4-3) displays all resources usedby the card. Some cards have multiple functions, each having one or moreresources associated with it. For example, a communications card can have fax,modem, and scanner functions, each of which may have one or more associatedresources.)LJXUH &DUG &RQILJXUDWLRQ 'LDORJ %R[7. To change any of the resource settings for the card, select the resource settingand then click Settings.The Configuration Settings dialog box (see Figure 4-4) displays the name of theresource that you selected in the upper-left corner of the box. The resourcevalues currently associated with the selected function are displayed in theResources for Choice box. The resource values displayed are IRQ, DMA,Memory (Hex), and I/O Port (Hex).)LJXUH &RQILJXUDWLRQ 6HWWLQJV 'LDORJ %R[ IRU $VVLJQLQJ DQ,54 /LQH