Connecting Your Projector 29NOTE: Interactive module kit is not shipped with your S320 projector. If youwant to use the Interactive feature, see "Installing the Optional InteractiveModule Kit" on page 15. You can purchase it on the Dell website Interactivity is supported only in the following input modes: VGA and HDMIfrom a PC, and Wireless Display, USB Display, and LAN Display.2 To enable Interactive Pen, the 2nd connection between computer andprojector is required. There are four options available for your computer andprojector connections:a use a Mini USB cable or Dell Interactive wireless dongle (optional)Dell Interactive wireless dongle is not shipped with your S320 or S320wiprojector. If you want to use Dell Interactive wireless dongle to connect thecomputer and the projector, you can purchase it on the Dell website use a LAN cable (need to install the Dell Wireless Application Software)c use WLAN (need to install the Dell Wireless Application Software)If you use a LAN or WLAN connection, ensure that Wireless/LAN is turnedon first.3 If the distance between your computer/laptop and projector is over 5 meters,a USB hub is recommended for your installation.