27CD playbackPlaying tracks in the desired order(Program playback)Up to 25 tracks can be programmed.1 In the stop mode, pressPROGRAM.“Program” is displayed. ADDCALLFAVORITESEARCH. / ABCa/ADEFGHI JKL MNOPQRS TUV WXYZ*1 2 34 5 67 8 9+10 0RC-1174CH - +CHTUNE +TUNE -ANALOG INTUNER DIGITAL INCLOCK DIMMERSLEEPMUSICSERVERINTERNETRADIO ONLINEMUSICVOLUMESDBTONEMUTETOP MENU INFOSETUPMODECLEARiPod CDRANDOM REPEAT PROGRAMENTERPOWERUSB2 Use 0 – 9, +10 to select the tracks.GExampleH To program tracks 3, 12, 7 toplay in that order:Press PROGRAM, 3, +10, 2, 7.3 Press 1/3 ENTER or 1/3.Playback starts in the programmedorder.n Checking the order of the programmed tracksIn the stop mode, press 9.The track numbers are displayed in the programmed order eachtime the button is pressed.n To clear the last track programmedIn the stop mode, press CLEAR.The last track programmed is cleared each time the button is pressed.n To clear one programmed track at a timeIn the stop mode, press 9 to select the track to be cleared, thenpress CLEAR.n Clearing the all programmed trackIn the stop mode, press PROGRAM.• If REPEAT is pressed during program playback, the tracks are playedrepeatedly in the programmed order.• If RANDOM is pressed during program playback, the programmedtracks are played in random order.• The program is cleared when the disc tray is opened or the poweris turned off.