18ENGLISH6Trim B pointu Turn Scratch Disc to movethe B point 1 frame at atime.• Range for trimming B point is limited asfollows.B point for Loop:Between 5 frames after A point anddisc end.B point for Splice:±30 frames from the original B point.(However, when the B point was loadedfrom the standby mode, the B pointcannot be moved backwards. So, useA/B Move function)B point for Sampler:Between 5 frames after A point andSampler end.A/B move8Select A and B pointso Select or the A/B Move andpush the A button for the Apoint you want to move. Thestandby mode is set at the Apoint and the A buttonillumination flashes.!0 To select the B point, pushthe B button after selectingthe A point.• The B LED flashes. The Selected B pointis used for the A1 or A2 point that wasfirst selected.11Cancel the A-B Trim or A/B Move!3 Push the A/B TRIM buttonto cancel the mode.10 A/B TRIMq, !3r, u, !1e, t,o, !2y, i,!0, !2w1Select A-B trim modeFirst select whether to adjust the A and Bpoints using the A-B trim mode or the A/Bmove mode.q Push the A/B TRIM buttonto set the A and B pointposition adjustment mode.w Now turn thePARAMETERS knob toselect the A-B Trim orthe A/B Move.3Trim A pointr Turn the Scratch Disc tomove the A point 1 frame ata time.• Range for trimming A point is limited asfollows.A point for Loop:±30 frames from the original A point.(However, when the A point wasloaded from the standby mode, the Apoint cannot be moved backwards.So, use A/B Move function)A point for Splice:Between the beginning of the disc and5 frames before B point.A point for Sampler:Between the original A point and 5frames before B point.2Select A point (in A-B Trim)e Select the A-B Trim and pushthe corresponding A buttonfor the loop to be trimmed.The A button illuminationflashes and loop playbackstarts.• In the splice trim mode, total 6 secondsof spliced section (started from 2seconds before A point to 4 secondsafter the B point) is played.5Select B point (in A-B Trim)y Select the A-B Trim modeand to select the B point,push the B button afterselecting the A point.Then push the B button. The B LED flashesand the B point trim become enable.• The Seamless Loop, Sampler loop and splice A and B points can be fine-adjusted using Scratch Disc.• There are two ways for doing this.A-B Trim: Trim the points during loop playback as a rehearsal.A/B Move: Move the points using the fast search or manual search. A/B Move can not be used withSampler loop.PARAMETERSON / OFFPUSHA/B Trim4Save the A pointt Push the A button again tosave new A point, and theunit automatically exit fromthe A-B Trim mode.7Save the B pointi Push the B button again tosave new B point, and theunit automatically exit fromfinish the A-B Trim mode.9Move A or B points!1 Turn the Scratch Disc tomove the selected pointusing the manual searchfunction.• Range for moving A point is limited asfollows.A point for Loop:Between the beginning of the disc and5 frames before B point.A point for Splice:Between the beginning of the disc and5 frames before B point• Range for moving B point is limited asfollows.B point for Loop:Between 5 frames after A point anddisc endB point for Splice:Between 5 frames after A point anddisc end10Save the A or B points!2 Push the A1/A2 or B buttonagain. The LED stopsflashing and the A1/A2 or Bpoint is saved, and the unitautomatically exit from theA/B Move mode.A / B TRIMSPLICEA / B TRIMSPLICE