- 163 -6.13.9. Clone Error MessagesMessage Cause SolutionUnmatched BHT models. Cloning cannot be performed betweenthe different BHT models.Perform a cloning with the sameBHT models.Failed to connect. Failed to establish a connection forcloning.Configure the same network settingswith the master and slave BHTs.Failed to makeRAM/Registry files.Not enough memory in Flash forcloning.Secure a free space in Flash forcloning.Failed to make OS files.Failed to download OSfiles.Failed to make flash files.Failed to update flash.Failed to make SD files.Failed to update SD. Not enough memory in the SD card forcloning.Secure a free space in the SD cardfor cloning.SD not inserted SD card is not inserted. Insert the SD card.The OS instaled in slavedoes not support thelanguege selected byMaster .,OS on the slave BHT does not supportthe language used by the master BHT.Check the “OS copy” checkbox inthe option menu to update OS, andthen retry.