www.desatech.com 108660-01E183. Keeping folded door tilted, slide uppertwo pins into the guide track found underupper facial edge of firebox opening.4. Tilt door assembly fully vertical until outerpivot pin snaps into mounting hole in upperspring clip (see Figure 33, page 17).5. Once top and bottom pins are secured,unfold door into closed position.6. Repeat process for opposite doorassembly.7. To adjust doors, slide them partially open.Using a screwdriver, loosen thehold-downscrews in spring clip (see Figure 34) andpivot plate.8. Close both doors until evenly joined atthe middle and note gap at outer edgesof face.9. Reopen one door at a time and retightenupper and lower hold-down screws.10. Repeat process until both doors are even-ly joined, spaced and working freely.CAUTION: Glass panelsbecome very hot while the ap-pliance is operating. Do notattempt to adjust or clean glassdoors until appliance has fullycooled.INSTALLATIONContinuedFigure 34 - Adjusting Glass DoorsSpring ClipHold-DownScrewSideFrontFacePartiallyOpenedDoorFigure 35 - Removing Glass DoorsSpringClipPress Spring Clipto Release PivotPinRemoveBottomPin FromPivot PlateWhileSlidingDoor Outof theUpperTrackPivot PlateFold Bi-Fold DoorAfter ReleasingSpring Clip andSlide Door Out ofUpper TrackDoors may be removed for replacement orcleaning as follows:1. Partially open door and press up on theupper spring clip with a screw driver untilouter top pivot pin is free of clip.. Fully fold frame assembly and slide up-per edge toward center of firebox open-ing until guide pins are free of frame rail(see Figure 35).CAUTION: Always operateappliance with doors either fullyopened or fully closed. Operat-ing appliance with doors par-tially open can result in improperventing of flue products.