www.desatech.com 108660-01EOBSERVED PROBLEMPilot will not lightPilot will not stay litNo gas to burner, although wallswitch and valve are set to theON positionFrequent pilot outagePOSSIBLE CAUSE1. No gas supply, or shutoffvalve is OFF. Air in gas line3. Construction debris clog-ging pilot orifice4. Low gas pressure5. Control valve knob is noton the PILOT position6. Kinked pilot line7. Bad valve1. Loose wiring on thermopileto regulator valve. No mil-livolt current is being sentback to regulator. If valve knob and wallswitch are in the ON posi-tion, probable defectiveregulator valve1. Wall switch wires defectiveor too long. Thermopile not generatingsufficient voltage1. Pilot flame may be toolow, causing safety pilotto “drop out”. Improper venting or exces-sive blockageREMEDY1. Check to see if you havegas supply. Hold regulator control valvein the PILOT position for to3 minutes to purge air. If yousmell gas stop and wait for afew minutes before trying tolight the fireplace3. Remove debris and dirt,inspect and clean any otherpossible obstructions4. Contact your gas supplier5. Refer to section on pilotlighting6. Have a qualified technicianreplace pilot line7. Replace regulator valve (seeAccessories, page 25)1. Check wiring connections.Refer to wiring diagramshown in Wall Switch In-stallation, page 102. Have a qualified technicianreplace valve1. Check electrical connec-tions. See Pilot will not stay lit,above1. Clean and adjust pilot flamefor maximum flame impinge-ment on thermopile. Have the vent system in-spected, including the ter-mination cap. Remove anyrestriction or obstructionTROUBLESHOOTINGNote: Before troubleshooting the system, make sure the gas shutoff valve is ON.The two most common causes of a malfunctioning gas appliance are:1. Loose wiring connections2. Construction debris clogging the pilot and/or gas control valve filter