www.desatech.com116200-01L 23Figure 33 - Connecting Flexible Gas Lineto Millivolt ValveFlexible Gas LineDo NOT KinkEquipmentShutoff ValveTo Gas Supply(Natural)To ExternalRegulator(Propane/LP)Control ValveFIREPLACEINSTALLATIONContinuedCHECKING GAS CONNECTIONSWARNING: Test all gas pipingand connections, internal andexternal to unit, for leaks afterinstalling or servicing. Correctall leaks at once.WARNING: Never use anopen flame to check for a leak.Apply noncorrosive leak detec-tion fluid to all joints. Bubblesforming show a leak. Correct allleaks at once.PRESSURE TESTING GAS SUPPLYPIPING SYSTEMTest Pressures In Excess Of 1/2 PSIG(3.5 kPa)1. Disconnect fireplace and its individualequipment shutoff valve from gas supplypiping system. Pressures in excess of 1/2psig (3.5 kPa) will damage fireplace gasregulator.2. Cap off open end of gas pipe where equip-ment shutoff valve was connected.3. Pressurize supply piping system by eitheropening propane/LP supply tank valvefor propane/LP gas fireplace or openingmain gas valve located on or near gasmeter for natural gas fireplace or usingcompressed air.4. Check all joints of gas supply piping sys-tem. Apply noncorrosive leak detectionfluid to all joints. Bubbles forming show aleak. Correct all leaks at once.5. Reconnect fireplace and equipmentshutoff valve to gas supply. Check recon-nected fittings for leaks.Test Pressures Equal To or Less Than1/2 PSIG (3.5 kPa)1. Close equipment shutoff valve (see Fig-ure 34).2. Pressurize supply piping system by eitheropening propane/LP supply tank valvefor propane/LP gas fireplace or openingmain gas valve located on or near gasmeter for natural gas fireplace or usingcompressed air.3. Check all joints from propane/LP supplytank or gas meter to equipment shutoffvalve (see Figure 35 or Figure 36). Ap-ply noncorrosive leak detection fluid toall joints. Bubbles forming show a leak.Correct all leaks at once.Figure 34 - Equipment Shutoff ValveOpenClosedEquipmentShutoff ValveFigure 35 - Checking Gas Joints forPropane/LP Gas FireplacePropane/LPSupply TankGas ValveEquipment Shutoff ValveFigure 36 - Checking Gas Joints forNatural Gas FireplaceGasMeterGas ValveEquipmentShutoff Valve