Features 5Remote controlNo. Button Description1 POWER Press to turn the television on. Pressagain to turn the television off.2 Direct channelselection (0-9) Use to directly go to any channel.3 -/DISPLAY When the television is receiving ananalog signal, press this button todisplay the current informationon-screen. When the television isreceiving a digital signal, press thisbutton once to display the digitalinformation on-screen. Press thisbutton a second time to display theanalog information on-screen. Toremove the display from the screen,press this button again. This buttonis also the - button used whenselecting digital channels.4 SLEEP To set the television to turn off aftera preset amount of time, press theSLEEP button. The clock countsdown ten minutes each time thebutton is pressed in the order of120, 110, 100...20, 10, 0 (minutes).After the sleep time isprogrammed, the displaydisappears then reappearsmomentarily every ten minutes toremind you the sleep timerfunction is operating. To confirmthe sleep time setting, press theSLEEP button once and theremaining time is momentarilydisplayed. To cancel sleep time,press the SLEEP button repeatedlyuntil the display turns to 0.No. Button Description5 VOL + / - Press the + button to increase thevolume level. Press the - button todecrease the volume level. Usethese buttons to select the desiredsetting during the menu screenoperation.6 MENU/ENTER Press to display the menu screenfunction.Press to enter or select operationsduring operation of the menuscreen.7 EXIT Press to remove the menu screen.8 INPUT Press this button to display theSOURCE SELECTION menu toselect the video input source.9 RECALL Press this button to go back to thepreviously viewed channel. Pressthis button again to return to thechannel you were watching.10 MUTE To turn off the sound, press thisbutton once. The television issilenced and the symbol MUTEappears on the screen. The mutingfeature can be turned off bypressing the MUTE button again orone of the VOL + or - buttons.11 CH + / - Press the CH + (up) button to changeto a higher numbered channel setinto memory. Press the CH - (down)button to change to a lowernumbered channel set intomemory. Use to select the desiredsetting during menu operation.12 ZOOM Press this button to change thepicture size.13 AUDIO Press this button to select thedesired sound.14 CCD Press this button to display theCLOSED CAPTION menu.15 TUNER Press this button to select theanalog/digital mode.